24 July 1897
NSW 1x ½d, 3x 1d, 1x 2d, 1x 2½d = 8d tied with 5x PCH type 1 cancel
plus one impression on the letter in conjunction with the 2x 1d and 2x 2d ANHCo
stamps tied with 4x PCH type 2 on a registered letter to North Sydney. Both
types of cancels carry the 24 July 1897 date. "Registered" written in manuscript,
number "R 103" likely to be applied in Sydney. Backstamped Sydney
Registered and North Sydney both 13 August 1897.
The cover was carried by the BIRKSGATE of AUSN Co. Ltd. - Burns Philp Co. Ltd. Agent which arrived in Sydney from the New Hebrides on August 12.
24 July 1897
Front of the "Black" cover. On auction in Australia years ago.
24 July 1897
Reverse of the "Black" cover.
The addressee is the Austrian Irene M. J. von Kremer Auenrode (von Kemer Auenrode
in the NSW records), who married Percy George Theodore Black in NSW in 1887.
Black was born in London in 1861. He emigrated to Australia in 1883 and worked for
B.P. as an accountant, first in Cairns and then in Sydney, from about 1885. From
1887 on he made inspection tours of the B.P. branches. By 1889, Black held the
position of inspector of branches and chief accountant in the Company. In 1897 he
visited the Tonga Trading Company. Maybe he visited Vila too on this voyage and
sent this letter. In 1902, he was promoted to chief inspector, a position he held until
1917, when he was appointed general manager of B.P. and took over the position as manager
of the Company's A.U.S.N. Department. (A.U.S.N. = Australian and United Steam
Navigation Co. Ltd.) In 1919 he and Lt. James Burns (son of old Sir James) filled
the vacuum caused by the death of two directors of Burns, Philp & Co. Ltd.
In 1921 he also became a member of the "Bankers and Traders' Insurance Company Limited"
first board of directors. He died a few months later in 1922.
(Source: K. Buckley and K. Klugman, "The History of Burns Philp", Burns, Philp & Company Limited, 1981
and, from the same authors, "The Australian Presence in the Pacific", Sydney 1983)
To my knowledge, this letter has not been previously described in any
publication on New Hebridean postal history, and is the only recorded complete
registered cover from the time period when the ANHCo stamps were valid.
Jeff Blinco of Perth contributed the following thoughts on the amount of postage on this cover:
"I think it is triple overweight.
NSW: 2½d postage, 2½d registration, 3 x 1d triple over weight. = 8d
ANHCo: 1d postage, 2d registration, 3d triple overweight = 6d
The cover was found in a carton of philatelic bits and pieces (covers,
cards, stamps on and off paper, etc) which belonged to the estate of a
man who appears to have been a former B.P. employee.
It was sold at
Status International 20 September 2001 199th auction for (including buyer's commission)
AU$ 8000!
13 May 1897
Fragment of an identical ANHCo letter. The NSW stamps totalling 8p too are also
cancelled with the PCH type 1 cancel. Pure coincidence? There is a number "103" in a
circle written on this fragment which is the same as the registration number on the
above letter. ("Mele" collection).
17 May 1897
(new 1/2019)
Local ANHCo cover to Santo - 2d. Overpaid? - From my year 2000 archive.
2 September 1897
Two NSW 2½d on a letterpiece in conjunction with the three
1d ANHCo stamps all cancelled Vila PCH type 1A. Left NSW stamp lower 1d ANHCo stamps are tied by the SE 2, 1897 cancel. The two NSW stamps have two canceller strikes each. (Klinger coll.)
4 September 1897
(new 11/2021)
Franking 5 pence with the Australian New Hebrides Company Limited stamps :
one 1 penny and two 2 pence , a blue pencil cross to bring the registration whish ,
and a 2 1/2d NSW stamp which paid the ordinary 1/2 once rate .
As the absence of 3 pence paid with NSW stamps for a registered cover handling
by the postal service , the letter was downgraded and "REG .FEE" was deleted
as appropriate .
All the stamps tied with the NSW postal agency cachet GK type PM1 on SP 4 1897 .
Backstamped SYDNEY SP 12 97 in arrival .
The cover was carried by the ANHCo steamer BIRKSGATE on her Sydney(16Aug) -
Nouméa - Fiji - New Hebrides - Sydney(12Sep) run .
Ex Baldwin coll. ("SeSi" coll.)
4 September 1897
(new 11/2021)
reverse Sydney SP 12 97
2 October 1897
NSW 2½d cancelled PCH type 1A as correct rate on letter to Sydney in conjunction with the two
ANHCo stamps cancelled Vila PCH type 2 on 27 September 1897, a date just in
the correct time of usage from 1 March 1897 to 30 September 1897. Backstamped Sydney Oct 97.("Mele" coll.)
2 October 1897
Piece with ANHCo 1d and NSW 2d cancelled with GK tyoe PM1. This would underpay a letter with ½d.
Image thanks to Grosvenor auctions.
8 December 1897
1897 New South Wales - ANHCo combination registered in Sydney. An enveloppe with the
"Compagnie Des Messageries Maritimes" crest on the reverse bearing a fearable rate
- registered in Sydney and not in Port Vila. The ANHCo labels have not been struck
with the Sydney cds. Additional "REGISTERED SYDNEY NSW De 8 97" cds. Modane transit cds in purple.
Arrival backstamped "Marseilles 15 Janv 98". ("JGI" coll.)
22 June 1897
Cover from Vila to Fiji. 1d and 2d ANHCo locals but no NSW stamp 2½d rate
for external postage. So this letter might not have been in the official postage
channels. PCH type 2 ANHCo cancel. ("Mele" coll.)
22 June 1897
Another "Calder" cover from Vila to Fiji. 1d and 2d ANHCo locals but no NSW stamp 2½d rate
for external postage. PCH type 2 ANHCo cancel.
1 January 1898
Letter to Sydney with a 1d ANHCo stamp cancelled with TRAVELLING POST in violett with another strike below
and a NSW 1d tied by JA 11 98 Sydney Duplex. I found this image in a 26 Oct 1995 Christies Australia auction catalogue.
It was sold then for 1100 A$. I don't know where it is today.
The cover was carried to Sydney by the Burns Philp & Co. Ltd. steamer YSABEL which left Sydney on
November 26 1897 for the New Hebrides, the Banks & Santa Cruz islands. She left Santa Cruz on 23 Dec,
Banks Group on 25 Dec and Vila on 1. Jan 1898. This the day of the ANHCo. cancel. Aneityum was left on 4 Jan and Sydney reached on 11 Jan,
the day of the Sydney Duplex. (whereabouts unknown)
G J Waterhouse was an agent and had the schooner ROTUMA in the Fiji run. In 1898 the Rotuma made a labour tour
through the New Hebrides and Solomon islands.
10 May 1898
L'Australasian New Hebrides Company, fondée en 1887, achéminait le courrier des Nouvelles Hébrides vers l'Australie. La subvention de 50 Livres
devenant insuffisante il fut décidé de facturer ce service aux utilisateurs en émettant des timbres locaux. Le tarif appliqué jusqu'à
Sydney était de 1 penny par demi-once et 2 pence de frais de recommandation auxquels devaient s'ajouter le montant du port au delà de Sydney en timbres
de Nouvelle Galles du Sud.
Port simple recommandé de: 1 penny + 2 pence pour l'ANHCo et 5p en timbres de Nouvelle Galles du Sud (2½ + 2½ pence).
Oblitérations VILA 10 MY 97 (erroné : 97 au lieu de 98), au verso SYDNEY REGISTERED 26 MY 98, PARIS CHARGEMENTS 4JUIL98 et MARSEILLE 5JUIL98.
(Millet coll.)
10 May 1898
(new 9/2024)
Two 2 Pence ANHCo local stamps paying the local service and two NSW 2½d stamps for the international service to France om s registered letter.
The Port VIla postmark must have been wrongly set to 1897. All ANHCo and NSW stamps tied togerher and to the cover with these "1897" postamrks. "Paris etranger 6 / chatgements / 4 Juil 98" postmark on front. Sydney May 26 and Marseilles
5 July 98 postmark on reverse.
Image thanks to Cherrystone auctions.
New on 15 March 2019.
My friend Jeff Blinco found a used ANHCo single which carried a "? JAN 98" Travelling Post cancel and a part of a Sydney postmark. He found that this Sydney mark
was very likely identical to the one on the 1 JAN 98 Waterhouse cover above. Here is a way to show that this is so:
Enlarging the Sydney cancel of the Waterhouse cover, turning the image to the correct angle, changing the color of the ANHCo stamp, lifting the Sydney cancel off
and placing it on top of the stamp shows that the visible parts of thze ANHCo stamp match exactly the cancel from the Waterhouse cover.
So this is another proof that the system 'local ANHCo for the island and NSW stamps for the Australian part' was still in use after Burns Philp took over from ANHCo.
A shame that this stamp was lifted off the cover!
Very well spotted, Jeff!
1 January 1898
The ANHCo stamp "? JAN 98"
1 January 1898
The ANHCo stamp "? JAN 98" with changed colors for better visibility of the postmark
11 January 1898
The JA 11 98 Sydney postmark after lifting off the cover image, enlarged and turned
1 January 1898
The ANHCo stamp "? JAN 98" with the black Sydney cancel on top.
1 January 1898
The ANHCo stamp "? JAN 98" with Sydney cancel in yellow on top.
1 January 1898
The ANHCo stamp "? JAN 98" with Sydney cancel in yellow on top but slightly shifted to the left to see the original cancel too.
At top right even the littlt leg of the Sydney "E" is visible.
19 June 1898
Cover from Vila to Fiji. Overpayment in ANHCo locals but correct NSW stamp 2½d rate
for external postage. PCH type 2 ANHCo cancel. ("Aore" coll.)
19 June 1898
Cover from Vila to Fiji. Overpayment in ANHCo locals but correct NSW stamp 2½d rate
for external postage. PCH type 2 ANHCo cancel but no cancel on the NSW stamp. Backstamped GK Type PU1 (ANHCo Vila Post) 19 June 1898. (pictured in "Timbroscopie" June 1991)
Now emerged from the Millet coll.: Here's Alain's writeup:
"Oblitération PORT VILA POST NEW HEBRIDES Co Ld 19 JUN 98 sur un affranchissement superfétatoire
de 6d. au lieu de 1d.
19 June 1898
Part of an other Calder cover. Overpayment in ANHCo locals but correct NSW stamp 2½d rate
for external postage. PCH type 2 ANHCo cancel, even on the NSW stamp. (picture found
in an article by E.F. Hurt, 1935 or 36, Philatelic Magazine(?), "The New Hebrides
Inter-Island Mail")
13 December 1898
Local mail Port Vila. The 1d local stamp is cancelled with the Port Vila Post ANHCo
cancel. The addressee could have been a member of the Lainé dynasty in Nouméa.
(Treadwell coll.)
28 March 1900
Local mail Port Vila. The 1d local stamp is cancelled with the Port Vila Post ANHCo
cancel. The addressee could have been a member of the Lainé dynasty in Nouméa.
(Treadwell coll.)
11 Dec 1900
(new 1/2019)
A 2d ANHCo stamp on a cover to Sydney. Surely no normal ANHCo use as in 1897. Klink was first an architekt in Sydney but then gold explorer
and was part of some New Guinea explorations and later district manager in New Guinea. ("Sesi" coll.)
11 Dec 1900
(new 1/2019)
reverse ("Sesi" coll.)
11 Dec 1900
(new 2/2019)
A 1d and a 2d ANHCo stamp on a cover to Germany. Surely no normal ANHCo use as in 1897. I wonder how this German stamp dealer produced this cover.
Image thanks to Chris Rainey Postal History
11 Dec 1900
NSW 2½d as correct ½oz rate on letter to the U.S.A.
Description says it has Sydney transit and Oakland arrival backstamps.
The cover was most likely carried to Sydney by the Burns Philp steamer YSABEL too.
There are two A.N.H.Co. stamps on the cover too with this typical 11 DEC 00 CTO.
Image thanks to Steve Drewett incorporating Empire Stamp Auctions.)
15 July 1903
(new 4/2020)
"La Voa" (Nouvelle Caledonie) postcard sent from Port Vila. The 1d ANHCo stamp and the NSW 1d stamp cancelled with a rather good impression of
PM1. All slugs are present only the month JY is upside down. The NSW stamp has a second faint impression of the same cancel and date, maybe
taken first and then improved by a secong one.
I would call this use of the two stamps "semi correct" as "a new contract was entered into between Burns, Philp and the NSW Post Office in late 1900
which did include payment for the mail service to New Hebrides and then hardly by coincidence, the contract also included a clause banning the use of the local stamps."
(Jeff Blinco in a paper).
The sender of the card however knew the old regulations (although it may be possible that he meant that the old regulations were still in
place for Inter-island mail in 1903) as he writes "The upper stamp is special in the New Hebrides and not valid outside."
A very interesting card which may need some discussion. (coll. Petit)
15 July 1903
(new 4/2020)
address side: Mademoiselle A. Caladon, Nozières (Gard). Sydney postmark JY 25/03.
TAMBO: Vila 15-7 & Sydney 25 July 1903
Three newspaper reports about the return of the "TAMBO". Vila: July 15, Sydney July 25.
TAMBO: Vila 15-7 & Sydney 25 July 1903
Three cancels as they can be seen and in wrong colours to improve the impressions.
about 1904
Maroney postcard "Planteur à Vaté et ses engagés" with a 2d ANHCo stamp and a VILA POST cancel.
Date not readable but according to some SFdNH postcards cancelled in 1904.
The Hambly A.N.H.Co. covers
22 June 1897
A letter over half an ounce and prepaid 2d interisland postage and twopence halfpenny
for delivery in New South Wales. Cancelled PCH Type 2. (Goron coll.)
22 June 1897
A letter prepaid 2d interisland postage and the correct twopence halfpenny
for delivery in New South Wales. All stamps cancelled PCH Type 2. The June date is
within the time of existence of the ANH Company which went into liquidation on
or about 30 September, 1897. ("SeSi" coll., ex Namba 2 coll., ex Nathan Hals coll.)
30 June 1897
Part cover to NSW double the half ounce weight. Internal postage prepaid by 2d in locals
cancelled by PCH type 3. Postage from Vila to Sydney 5d, paid in NSW stamps cancelled with
PCH type 1A Vila 5 July 1897, backstamped Sydney 14 July 1897. (Aore coll.)
4 August 1897
ANHCo 2d cancelled with PCH Type 2 Aug. 4th 1897, a NSW 2d cancelled
with PCH Type 1 on Aug. 4th 1897. Backstamped Sydney Aug. 13th 1897. (Mele coll.)
4 August 1897
ANHCo 2d cancelled with PCH Type 2 Aug. 4th 1897, two NSW 1d and one ½d cancelled
with PCH Type 1 on Aug. 4th 1897. (Only part - owner unknown, seen in S. Ringström and H.E.Tester's "The Private
Ship Letter Stamps of the World").
...and then found it again as full size image in some old auction catalgue snippet from a couple of years ago.
4 August 1897
A pair of ANHCo 1d cancelled with PCH Type 2 Aug. 4th 1897, a pair of NSW 1d
and a ½d stamp cancelled with PCH Type 1a on Aug. 4th 1897. One additional
strike of 1a below the locals. The Type 1 cancels are very clear for this type.
Backstamped Sydney 18, 8 A.M., Aug. 13th 1897. (Treadwell coll.)
30 December 1897
A pair of ANHCo 2d cancelled with PCH Type 1, NSW ½d and 2d cancelled
with Type 1. Last time seen in Robson Lowe auction catalog 1972 now re-emerged: (Millet coll.)
Here is Alain Millet's writeup:
"Combinaison Nouvelle Galles du Sud (port simple à 2½d) et affranchissement superfétatoire en timbres de l'Australasian New Hebrides Co.
(4d. au lieu de 1d.). Oblitération NEW HEBRIDES VILA DE 30 1897 de l'Agence Postale de Nouvelle Galles du Sud. Au verso arrivée SYDNEY JA 11 98."
30 December 1897
ANHCo 1d and 2d cancelled with PCH Type 1, NSW ½d and 2d cancelled
with Type 1. (Macray Watson Auctions, Australia, September 2000, Schuyler Rumsey December 2005 [$3,250])
30 December 1897
A pair of ANHCo 1d cancelled with PCH Type 1, NSW ½d and 2d cancelled
with Type 1. Backstamped Sydney Jan. 11th 1898. (Picture thanks to Macray Watson Auctions, Australia, October 1999)
30 December 1897
The ANHCo local stamps used in combination with the correct rate NSW 2½d.
The stamps are all cancelled by the new NSW canceller, which was used probably
improperly as ANHCo had it's own cancellors. Backstamped Sydney 11 January 1898. (Namba 2 coll., ex Jersey coll.)
30 December 1897
The ANHCo local stamps used in combination with the correct rate NSW 2½d.
The stamps are all cancelled by the new NSW canceller, which was used probably
improperly as ANHCo had it's own cancellors.
Image thanks to Grosvenor Philatelic Auctions
30 December 1897
A pair of ANHCo 1d cancelled with PCH Type 1, NSW ½d and 2d cancelled
with Type 1. (Picture thanks to Robson Lowe auction catalog 1972: The R.A. Baldwin collection))
30 December 1897
(new 10/2021)
At left the last information I had about this cover. Now nearly 50 years later I found it again in an auction.
In 1972 it was sold for 150 BP and now it was offered for 500 Swiss Francs in the Corinphila November 2021 auction.
Image thanks to Corinphila Auktionen Zürich
All these 30 Dec covers were carried by
the Burns Philp & Co. steamer YSABEL which left Sydney 1897-11-26, departed Port Vila 1 Jan 1898 and returned Sydney 1898-01-11.
Definitely this was not ANHCo (Australasian New Hebrides Co.) since they were broke already & BP
took over in December 1897. This trip with the Ysabel is the first under the BP flag.
Hambly must have had a good sense of postal history. (Info thanks to Jeff Blinco)