The First Condominium Series of 1908 -- Remarks on the colour bars of the overprint


The First Condominium Series of 1908 -- Remarks on the colour bars of the overprint.

No blow-ups on this page.

The composition of the colour bars

The bicoloured stamps had the word "FIJI" barred out with a band of colour approximating the word. This band has a height of 8 points. As the printing was done in Suva I suppose that these are Anglosaxon points and not Didot points! One 'As' point equals 1/72 of an Imperial Inch = 0.353 mm, (one 'Di' point equals 1/72 of a French Royal Inch = 0.376 mm).

SG7 3pt/5pt SG6 5pt/3pt SG3 2pt/6pt
3pt/5pt 5pt/3pt 2pt/6pt

1.06mm / 1.77mm

1.77mm / 1.06mm

0.71mm / 2.12mm

SG9 6pt/2pt
2.12mm / 0.71mm

The printers realized these 8pt with a combination of two rules 3pt and 5pt or two rules 2pt and 6pt, so the combinations 3/5pt or 5/3pt occur and 2/6pt or 6/2pt.
The total height of the band is 2.82 mm, 2pt=0.71mm, 3pt=1.06mm, 5pt=1.77mm, 6pt=2,12mm.

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