Don't forget to hit this small refresh circle arrow in the address field of your browser when going to a page from here you had visited before or empty your cache in the service menu!
28 November 2024
1921-04-12 a used SG 32a (No. 77) here
9 September 2024
1950-09-19 Incoming mail from New Caledonia with special cachet here
1945-12-28 Incoming reg. Air Mail from France redirected to New Caledonia here
1957-07-15 Incoming mail from France to Alexis Chermette at Santo here
9 September 2024
1923-08-31 Another Ackland cover with 20c(RF) and 2d(RF) here
9 September 2024
About 1900 maybe:a funny handstamp on a 1 penny ANHCo stamp here
Asecon 10 May 1898 Hirsch cover to Marseilles here
14 August 2024
1945-07-09 R.N.Z.A.F ACTIVE SERVICE cover with New Hebbs stamo to NZ here
1940-08-22 undelivered censored postmaster cover to Paris including letter here
17 July 2024
1903-07-04 A wonderful early postcard with PM2 to Paris here
16 July 2024
1905/06 Another forged PM2 postmark on a picture postcard here
additional information on forged postmarks with samples here
13 July 2024
1953 February: Resident Commissioners note on the death of King George VI here
1953-09-15 registered Air Mail cover to N.S.W: with 10 QEII stamps here
14 June 2024
4 June 2024
1911-03-22 incoming mail: postcard from Göteborg to Tongoa here
6 May 2024
1910-01-11 incoming mail: postcard from Senegal to Mr. Naturel at Epi here
12 April 2024
1918-11-15 incoming mail: postcard from Dutch India to BRC Merton King at Vila here
10 March 2024
1937-08-21 A Noumea cancelled cover to England here
1924-04-09 A very interesting cover with five New Hebrides 1911 10c stamps cancelled on R.M.S. MAUNGANUI here
13 February 2024
1924-06-07 A Heslop cover with the scarce Goyns-Klinger Type PM76 b here
1916-01-31 A Dal Gubbay registrerd cover to Switzerland here
1911-09-16 Local official cover to Mele. here
4 February 2024
1842-06-22 Letter from Jihn DOnald, Glasgow, to Rev. Nisbet, Tanna here
22 January 2024
1937-05-24 Air Mail to Roubaix containing the letter here
13 December
1937-05-10 two very extraordinary ship letters from he last voyage of the "BUCEPHALE" here
2 December
1910-04-15 2x nice Postmaster postards to Paris. here
30 November 2023
1953/54 Air Mail to Albi, France. Cancelled at destination. here at bottom
1953-11-21 Postmaster cover to the U.S. with mixed franking QE II and definitive stamp. here
1912-08-08 cover to Coffs Harbour. here
24 November 2023
1921-04-08 Letter to Noumea. here
22 November 2023
1957-12-23 Postmark PM19B on a postmaster Air Mail cover to U.S.A. here
1949-09-02 Air Mail to Cavagnolo, Italy here
20 November 2023
1930-06-06 Picture postcard from Djibouti zo Port-Vila here
1955-01-10 Letter from Lieége to the wife of postmaster O.E.Richards at Vila here
18 November 2023
1954-12-04 Plasmarine Advertising card from Vila - handstamped! here
1979-11-12 Picture postcard from Port-Vila to Montreuil, France here
1928-06-08 Picture postcard from Port-Vila to New Caledonia here
1913-06-27 Picture postcard from Port-Vila to Tyrol, Austria here
13 November 2023
1957-09-11 one of the scarce late type PM18B air mail covers - here to Sydney here
12 November 2023
1974-10-16 IRC Vienna Form VI 21 to Brussels here
1949-07-02 1938 stamps on a registered cover to Avignon here
1907-09-28 Nice picture PC to Marseilles here
11 November 2023
1907-05-12 registered NC Agency to Paris here
30 September 2023
30 August 2023
1929-07-16 Another Tourville cover here
14 August 2023
1950-01-19 The earliest date know so far for an aerogramme on blue paper. here
25 June 2023
1945-07-27 N.Z.A.P.O. cover with a full set of 1939 G&E Islands stamps from A.P.O. 361 New Hebrides to Wellington N.Z. here
1940-04-29 A Soeur Marie Alexis to Sainte-Foy-les-Lyon - censored and delayed in GB here
23 June 2023
1941-10-06 PM13 on a taxed cover to Santo. here
1910-05-07 Multifranked registered cover to Australia. here
1910-05-08 Postcard to France , correct ½d rate. here
1910-12-08 Postcard to France , 1d rate (long message ?). here
1939-05-26 Earliest air mail to France seen so far with the reduced air surcharge. here
1931-04-11 Official cover to France with late use of reg.-label NR2B and French Service du Trésor cachet. here
1912-09-16 And another Murray cover. here
22 June 2023
1908-09-12 unused postcard Port Vila with a nice impression of the scarce fake cachet GK type PU7E here
1909-06-03 Local postcard to a Kersaint crew member here
1910-03-11 Long message picture postcard to Paris here
1910-12-16 1d picture postcard to Paris here
1943-01-06 censored France LIbre cover to U.S.A. underpaid 10cg here
1942-02-24 censored registred cover to N.S.W. With an Englich censor strip?? here
1928-12-11 registered to U.S.A. here
1928-05-23 Underpaid registered to London here
21 June 2023
1896-08-12 group of 7 NSW stamps on a piece of parcel packing paper (I think) cancelled PM1 VIla. here
1917-08-10 incoming picture postcard from the Kersain in Noumea to Vila. here
1963 English 20cg stamp vertical printing flaw. (at bottom of page) here
1977-12-21 Long message Postcard to France. here
19 June 2023
1953/54 Santo to USA with "Not eligible for airmail. Fee deficient" cachet. here
1949 Postcard from Sato to Paris with "Not eligible for airmail. Fee deficient" cachet. But not franked at all and not taxed here
16 June 2023
1910-07-31 plain cover to Sydney. here
1913-11-08 registered to Coffs Harbour. here
1912-08-28 plain cover to Sydney overpaid 1d. here
1940-03-05 registered to France. here
1907-04-10 2d NSW stamp on a cover to Sydney here
15 June 2023
1953-07-07 registered air mail from Port-Vila to Buenos Aires. here
1939-17-07 local paquetbot mail Sydney to Sydney. here
1943-01-07 Very nice retained censored cover from Santo to Hawaii (at bottom of page). here
3 April 2023
1950-06-18 "APPEL HISTORIQUE" cover from Santo. here
2 April 2023
1947-08-16 A very nice free frank OHMS cover to England sent via Air Mail with the correct surcharge 1F20cg. here
16 February 2023
1948-06-23 registered to the US (Robert S. Gordon) & obituary for Robert. here
1930-03-06 letter to Noumea taxed 4 months later! here
1933-12-20 incoming letter to Monsieur Desestre from Dreux here
1918-09-09 a Nick Nikoletich cover from S. Rhodesia as an example for his activities here
16 January 2023
1936-03-07 The 221st Leralle cover here
26 December 2022
1928-08-02 Registered cover to Chicago, IL, USA here
12 December 2022
1950-06-19 local "Appel Historique" cover here
29 November 2022
28 November 2022
1957-08-14 incoming letter to Mr. Chermette in Santo here
1952-10-30 PNG FDC to the postmastr's daughter here
1977-05-06 decorated cover to Paris here
1979-06-11 reg. air mail from Santo to Luxemburg here
1979-06-11 reg. air mail from Lolowai to Luxemburg here
24 November 2022
1938-09-29 incoming letter to Mr. Peythieux here
15 November 2022
1933-07-29 ship letter with "La Perouse" reg-cachet to Paris redirected to Cannes here
1936-12-09 letter with "Bucephale" carry remark on reverse to Paris here
1916-11-20 Hambly ship letter to Sydney here
14 November 2022
1938-11-089 A Mère Marie Alexis cover front to France here
1966 A picture postcard to the famous New Hebrides artist Aloï, Pilioko in Papeete here
1957-08-31 incoming air mail postcard from Switzerland to Santo here
1977-05-04 aerogramme to the Aerogramme specialist Werner Wiegand in Germany here
1953 1F tax proof here
1956-11-02 Air mail to Australia - convention issue here
1949-11-25 Registered from Vila to New Zealand - 1949 issue here
1955-11-07 Registered from Vila to Paris- 1949 issue here
1939-04-20 simple 10cg cover to France here
1977-09-29 "loaded" reg. cover with provisionals to France here
1929-12-xx A reg cover to Noumea franked at the local rate 20c + 40c reg fee here
1969-10-25 Le Lagoon hotel cover to Noumea - cachet here
1926-06-21 Overpaid reg.-cover to Germany here
1953-04-20 Registere U.P.U. cover to U.S.A. here
1953-04-30 Registere 1953 full set FDC to New York here
1926-06-21 Overpaid reg.-cover to Germany here
1953-04-20 Registere U.P.U. cover to U.S.A. here
1953-04-30 Registere 1953 full set FDC to New York here
13 November 2022
1924 a 5d inverted overprint sheet #3 pos 3,1 here 1930-06-01 snippet of three stmpa wit nice PM7B impression here 1943-12-07 registered and censored to the U.S. here 1950-04-26 TRAPAS first flight to Paris here
12 November 2022
1911-04-11 A eighth 1911 Malmberg registered cover showed up (#448) here
1935-08-21 incoming postcard from Australia to Ashton Larney, Surveyor-General here
1965-06-10 Registered air mail to Coulon, France here
1931-06-29 Registered to France here
1936-07-08 Cover from Vila to France here
1927-01-18 Registered Service Maritime cover to France here
8 November 2022
1918-07-21 rare free franking from British Army Post Office S5 (Paris) postcard to Vila here
1940-04-29 A Mère Marie Alexis cover to France here
6 November 2022
1927-10-19 cover to Châlons-sur-Marne, France Here
1939-05-15 registred Salford, England Here
1950-09-06 cover from Vila to Hirtshals, Denmark here
5 November 2022
1926-11-08 Letter to Meaux, France Here
About 1912 A Naumenn Dresden advertisement Here
S.G. F251a : 30 FHN error #83021. Here
1938-11-18 Letter to the U.S. underpaid but not taxed Here
31 October 2022
1935-01-10 a very nice incoming cover from Germany Here
27 October 2022
1957-02-28 Reply Postal Card 4 cts LIBERTY from the Vila Postmaster Here
5 October 2022
1905-04-16 picture lettercard to Choisy le Roi, France Here
1935 cover to Paris underfranked and cancelled with the Noumea two line cachet Here
4 October 2022
17 September 2022
1936-08-03 Leralle cover to Paris Here
1936-04-14 Leralle cover to Paris - A new Leralle cover date! Here
1934-11-19 Leralle cover to Luxembourg redirected to Paris Here
9 August 2022
1981-12-11 International Reply Coupone Here at bottom
8 August 2022
An additional information about Father Leonard Meister at Holyoke Here at left
5 August 2022
Some news about currencies and exchange rates in the New Hebrides in 1948 Here
1920 forgery: a fake 5c overprint offered on Ebay Here at left
1967 January 11 registered from Forari to England Here
4 August 2022
1950 November 16: Registered Air Mail from Vila to Gotheburg, Sweden Here
1955 November xx: Air Mail from Vila to Hollywood Here
1965 September 18: O.H.M.S. AIr Mail cover with Resident Commissioner cachet to England Here
1979 August 20: A cover with the Agricultural Show cancel to our late frien Jacques Merot. Here
1976 March 24: Hongkong printed aerogramme from Derek Rawcliffe to U.S.A. Here
1972 August 26: Underpaid taxed cover Sheffield to the Vila Postmaster Owen Richards Here
1953 July 1: Incoming and taxed from Canton Island (G&E) to Vila. Here
1938 October 2: underfranked in the New Hebrides but franked 2d in Sydney and posted Here
1938 September 23: Empire Airmail Scheme to Vila and returned Here
1956 October 20: FDC Vila of the English Convention Issue Here
1937 November 9: Another Reverend W. Pain parcel tag Here
1954 June 14: Air mail cover to the U.S: with six QUII stamps Here
1915 March 20: A picture PC from W.H. Caporn Noumea to the B.R.C. King at VIla showing his Noumea shop Here
That was it from the David Moss collection - other items are on this site already. - Thanks David!
3 August 2022
More from the David Moss collection.
1906 August 6: Another one of these test covers Vila-Noumea. Here
1909 July 1: Loaded Richard d'Aulnay cver from Vila to Paris. Here
1917 October 27: cover to Noumea cancelled PM5B - overfranked. Here
1937 April 16: reg. to USA. Underfranked 1F40c and SANTO/SS Mirani reg cachet. Here
1937 September 30: cover to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Here
1938 April 2: registered to Manchester Here
1944 January 19: registered and censored to Burns Philp San Francisco Here
1951 December 17: A typical L. I. Schreiber taxed cover Here
195x xx xx: A Baldwin cover with Solomon Islands stamps and Paquebot cancel GK PM17 Here
2 August 2022
During the next few weeks I'll be adding some beautiful items from the David Moss collection -
Northwich Philatelic Society | Northwich, Cheshire. Thanks, David.
1932 November 15: A Leralle cover from Vila to Cantho, Indo China - taxed Here
1935 December 20: A Leralle cover from Vila to Paris franked 60c Wallis Fortuna Here
1936 August 3: A Leralle cover from Vila to Paris franked 50c French Oceanic Settlements Here
1911 August 7: registered to England Here
1912 September 16: A registered Murray cover to Birmingham Here
1934 May 7: A registered Roger Desestre cover to Yaounde, Cameroun Here
13 April 2022
Two scarce stampless H.B.M.R.C. covers with Reg.-cachet GK type NR16 29 Oct 1938 and xx April 1946 Here
29 March 2022
A rare late fee ship mail postcard to Sydney Here
5 March 2022
A complete set of SFdNH stamps cancelled 8 September 1903 Here
1925 10c red not issued Here
1904-10-30 postcard to France Here
3 March 2022
1971-04-14 cover 5cg overpaid to England Here
1907-08-22: Two postcards to France with the original 22 AOUT 1907 postmark after which the forgery was made Here
Compare the forgery Here
1948-11-04 postcard from father O'Reilly to Paris Here
1935-11-04 a Desestre cover to France Here
1911-01-21 a 1908/10 "loaded" cover to France Here
1911-03-26 a registered to Melbouren Here
1903-01-07: a SFdNH 5c stamp with the postmark "7 JANV 03" !!!! Here
1907-08-22: another forgery of this postmark Here
1909-11-20: a Gubbay postcard to Noumea Here
1943-12-07: nearly full 1938 set on a local cover with a date "37 DEC 43" Here
1947-10-28 and 1947-11-14 : registered air mails to Saigon Here
1966-12-06: registered to Noumea Here
1953-06-02: Queen EII plate number block of four Here
ANHCo with forged cancel Here
1 March 2022
ANHCo 1d with NSW 2d on piece 2 OCT 1897 Here
1920 5c without CONDOMINIUM : the only existent millesime pair Here
28 February 2022
Some information about S.G. 32a added Here
27 February 2022
Some British free frank covers 1935 - 1944 from the British Residency Here
5 APril 1944 Postmaster letter to U.S.A. Here
26 February 2022
Some British free frank covers 1935 - 1944 from the British Residency Here
15 February 2022
A 21 May 1911 stampless cover from the British Residency to Australia Here
A 12 June 1911 stampless cover from the British Residency to Australia Here
31 December 2021
A newly found forgery of the PORT VILA POST ANHCo postmark. Here
Two scarce postcards 50 years New Hebrides Mission & St. Joseph Church. Here
30 November 2021
28 July 1943 uncensore in the New Hebrides: stampless postmaster letter to Canda - censored on arrival. Here
27 November 2021
11 October 1978 Unusual ARCADIA ship letter. Here
17 July 1973 Local cover from Onesu High School to Vila. Here
31 August 1972 Service des postes cover to France. Here
29 September 1970 nice picture postcard to France Here
12 May 1975 Philatelic service registered to France Here
26 March 1974 OHMS cover with policecachet to Hang Kong Here
4 December 1973 registered (postal?) cover to France. Here
21 November 2021
2 June 1953 QEII FDC - one stamp with plate number. Here
27 October 1953 large reg. postmaster cover with QEII stamps beyond others. Here
18 February 1954 nice stampless S.O. cover from Vila to France. Here
19 January 1948 incoming misdirected cover from France Here
9 August 1940 incoming from Australia Here
20 November 2021
2 February 1949: Desestre air mail cover from Vila to Paris. Here
26 December 1941 very interesting censored cover from Vila to Brazzaville. Here
6 November 2021
The 5th known 1977 French 25 FNH block of four with the FHN error. Here
30 October 2021
I finished the special page about postmark forger Lucien Alavoine (2nd forged postmark found) Here
21 October 2021
1908-09-12: A second copy of the scarce postmark forgery "PORT VILA NOUVELLES HEBRIDES" found (at bottom of page) Here
1922-11-18: One of the many souvenir postcards with stamp & postmark which did never travel. Here
1969-03-26 reply card from Vila Here
20 October 2021
1935-02-25 Leralle cover No. 217 Here
1938-10-xx (28?) ship mail cover to France Here
1924-06-07 Heslop cover seen again after about 25 years Here
1946-09-13 taxed air mail cover to London Here
1911-12-16 Wilson cover Here
1943-05-17 Censored coever 10cg rate to New Zealand Here
1955-01-17 Malaita ship cover with Santo postmark to USA Here
1953-03-13 Malaita Paquebot cover from Santo Here
1951-11-18 Malaita Paquebot cover PM17 to England Here
19 October 2021
A chapter on the Mme Joseph postmark forgery of GK type PM5 Here
1951-12-17 A typical "Schreiber poste restante" taxed cover from Baghdaad to U.S.A. redirected to Vila Here
18 October 2021
1938-12-05 A registered Peythieux air mail cover from Vila to Valence, France. Here
1921-11-29 A registered Barreau registered cover to Noumea Here
1913-04-03 Registered "Tuck's Post Card" from Vila to Austria Here
1932-05-06 Generously franked local cover to the motor yacht ARIADNE at Vila Here
1936-02-26 A Walker shipmail cover to Seattle, U.S.A. Here
1937-04-05 postcard to Hongcong Here
1942-10-21 France Libre cover from Santo to California - maybe taxed but overpaid Here
1943-05-09 20cg cover from Vila to U.S.A. underfranked 10cg Here
1949-05-09 20cg cover from Vila to U.S.A. underfranked 10cg Here
1951-07-06 1938 French 5cg and British 30cg on a cover from Santo to Suva, Fiji Here
1971-08-19 A Capt. Conway cover to Longana with a 1957 tax stamp Here
1938-04-11 A cover to the U.S.A. with three Gilbert & Ellice Islands stamps (1d, 1½d, ½d) cancelled Vila Here
1948-09-14 Air mail from Vila to France, overpaid 5cg Here
1946-04-12 stampless postmaster cover to the U.S.A. Here
17 October 2021
1938-06-01 A scarce FDC of the 1938 10c stamp Here
1897-12-130 One of the Hambly covers showed up again which I had last seen in the Robson-Lowe Baldwin Auction 1972 Here
1955-05-15 Paquebot cover with BSI stamps via Vila to Mr. Baldwin in Sydney. Here
1937-04-30 A Desestre air mail cover to Paris. Here
13 October 2021
1907(?)-04-24 A postcard with a Ceylon 2d stamp sent to Buenos Aires. Here
1971-10-03 taxed cover with 1957 tax stamps to Longana Here
1945 cover to Canada rejected as airmail due to insufficient postage - very scarce marking Here
11 October 2021
1917-10-29 A Chinese reply half card to Wenchow, China (1600 BP at auction!) Here
11 October 2021
1903-10-28 A postcard to Noumea with 2 25c SNFH locals cancelled with the FRNACEVILLE postmark Here
1908-11-25 A New Caledonia 5c cncelled Vila Here
1942-08-21 A postmaster censores cover to TASCO in Springfield, Mass. - richly decorated with many notices Here
9 October 2021
Two 1912 / 1913 registered Kiderlen cover from Vila to Ulm, Germany Here
1898-05-30 a ANHCo 1d stamp with Sydney arrival cancel - may well have been on a regular cover Here
Asheet #1 pos 3.2 inverted 5d - a Grosvenor offer in October 2021 Here
8 October 2021
1925-09-18 20c cover to Melbourne handstamped S.S. MAKATEA Here
1953-08-11 Aerogramme 25c rate to Canberra Here
7 October 2021
1921 immigration report New York: André Leralle on his way to Papeete Here
1908-08-11 Six New Caledonia postcards with SFBH local stamps cancelled with a PM2 forgery Here
1953-04-30 an English full set FDC to New York Here
1941-09-24 a 1941 full set cover to New York Here
27 September 2021
Some more information on André Leralle: Here
1897-12-30 A Hambly cover to Sydney Here
1897-09-04 A cover to Sydney Here
1903-09-15 A cover with a complete set of SFNH local stamps to Noumea Here
1903-09-15 A cover with a complete set of SFNH local stamps to Port VIla Here
1908-08-11 A New Caledonia postcard with a SFBH 25c local stamp cancelled with a PM2 forgery Here
1903-07-29 A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 1c stamp cancelled PM2 Here
1903-11-14 A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 10c stamp cancelled PM2 to France Here
1904-04-17 A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 10c stamp cancelled PM2 to Spain Here
1904-07-10 A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 15c stamp cancelled PM2 to England Here
1905-06-11 A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 5c stamp cancelled PM3 to a passenger of the PACIFIQUE Here
1905-10-xx A New Hebrides postcard with a New Caledonia 10c stamp cancelled PM3 to France Here
1909-03-02 A Cliquet cover to Paris Here
1909-08-28 A picture postcard to England Here
21 September 2021
Three 1953 QEII first day covers - one of them is a very rare French postmark Santo FDC Here
19 July 2021
A couple of crippled full stops on the 1921 overprints Here
1 July 2021
An unusual 20 Pounds forgery of a British 1911 stamp Here
30 June 2021
1925-11-16 registered to Paris, correctly franked 50c Here
1924-11-29 the 18th 1920-1924 Nikoletich cover Here
1953-04-30 FDC with a complete English set registered to Bombay Here
A 1948 Postmaster letter to Sweden : full text (at left) Here
28 June 2021
Another 1923 El Kantara Leralle cover Here
20 August 1921 20c shipmail to Paris Here
3 February 1925 cover to Paris with a totally confused day/month slug in the postmark Here
23 June 2021
2 x block of four overprinted 05c on 40c, one stamp has full stop missing. Here
Some SG32 with shifted overprints. Here
17 June 2021
1954 A Plasmarine "Dear Doctor Card" to Paris. Here
Two "Dear Doctor Cards" of the general South Seas type. Here
24 May 2021
16 May 2021
1974-04-09 S.O. letter to Le Havre. Here
1975-12-11 Letter without stamp from Handsworth to Vila - taxed. Here
1976-03-24 Paquebot cover Keeling Taiwan. Here
1980-01-09 Picture postcard from Santo to Verdun France Here
16 May 2021
1931-03-27 Long message picture postcard to Noumea. Here
1953-01-12 Cover from Vila to France Here
1945-02-22 Military cover against regulations with a stamp from PO, heavily underfranked. Here
14 April 2021
1927-09-18 lose ship postcard via Sydney to Noumea Here
1921-06-15 Hambly cover with NH overprints Here
1939-12-12 the first clearly postally used Santo postmark PM15 (1940-01-03) known to us on this site. Censored shipmail cover to Australia. Here
15 April 2021
1963-06-20 cover from Lamap to Aoba : 10cg! Local rate or underfranked? Here
1963-10-10 Stampless Postmaster cover to England Here
1965-09-28 Registered stampless Postmaster cover to England Here
1967-01-10 Registered stampless Postmaster cover to England Here
1967-01-10 Postmaster to England Here
1980-05-20 Postmaster to England Here
1970-02-12 Cover from Santo to Tarawa G&E Here
1947-03-26 Cover front Vila to Manchestr - traveltime 4 months! Here
1949-03-10 Air cover front Tongoa (Vila) to Scotland underpaid 10cg. Here
1957-10-xx Air cover front Vila to England correctly franked 60cg. Here
1957-10-01(?) Air cover front Vila to England correctly franked 60cg. Here
1957-07-24 Air cover front Vila to England. Here
1967-06-05 Air cover front Vila to USA, overpaid 10cg. Here
1963-08-30 incoming from England to Forari. Here
1969-03-17 Air cover from Pentecost (Santo) to Tarawa, G&E. Here
1970-02-02 Air cover from Pentecost (Santo) to Tarawa, G&E. Here
1970-02-23 Air cover from Pentecost (Santo) to Tarawa, G&E. Here
1971-06-25 Heavy Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1971-09-09 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-01-27 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-01-28 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-05-05 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-09-29 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-10-06 Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-10-06 one more Air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1972-10-13 Registered air cover from the British Residency Vila to Fiji. Here
1973-04-16 Cover from Longana to Scotland. Here
1974-03-27 Local cover from Santo to Aoba. Here
1974-11-22 Air mail from Vila to Nassau, Bahamas. Here
1975-04-28 Local cover Lamap to Aoba. Here
14 April 2021
1944-07-25 censored and registered postmaster cover to Ray Baldwin. Here
A F273 French 20 FNH Concorde stamp with a light second black colour impression. Here
24 March 2021
26 February 2021
1939-06-26 Santo : an INTER ISLAND cover to Noumea. Here
1959-05-29 Air Mail letter to Chicago Here
1954-02-03 Air Mail letter from Vila to Paris Here
1955-11-23 Qantas inauguration flight Cocos Islands to Vila Here
25 February 2021
1944-01-11 Santo : two military covers sent locally against regulations. Here
1910-11-14 A chopped Cliquet cover Here
1935-11-14 cover to San Francico Here
24 February 2021
1972-01-06 Lamap : unfranked incoming Barber cover taxed. Here
1972-05-10 Vila : unfranked incoming Barber cover taxed. Here
23 February 2021
17 August 1945 : the latest known New Hebrides censored cover surfaced again after more than 30 years: Here
27 January 2021
A 1961-01-18 16 Jim Crompton cover to himself. Here
1907-04-xx NC stamp with Sandwich postmark to France. Here
1915-04-23 Service Maritime from Santo to France. Here
1924-07-15 a Hambly "Tubb" cover. Here
1924-07-31 a standard overprints collector cover to Australia. Here
1938-05-23 surface letter to France Here
1897-09-04 mixed franking ANHCo & NSW on a snippet Here
1893 four essay singles Here
26 January 2021
16 April 1942 another "Rice" full set France Libre cover reg. #253. Here
1 March 1948 surface mail to USA. Here
3 January 2021
23 March 1928: registered to U.S.A. in Sydney with New Hebrides stamps. Here
31 Dezember 2020
20 September 1921: Postmaster registered including letter to France Here
15 November 2020
18 March 1950: underpaid Postmaster air mail to France Here
3 June 1939: registered from Vila to Noumea Here
10 November 2020
15 June 1899: block of four 1d used ANHCo stamps Here
10 November 1908: Two English sets cancelled on a piece of paper Here
17 December 1975: Air Mail from Vila to England Here
18 February 1971: interesting redirected registered cover Vila --> Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) --> Firenze, Italy Here
15 April 1969: registered air mail to France Here
23 May 1968: scarce FDC of the 25cg Bougainville issue Here
30 July 1965: Air mail cover with 60cg UIT stamp to France Here
9 November 2020
1 May 1918: Registered To Hyenghene, New Caledonia Here
26 June 1903: Cover fom Vila to Bone, Algeria. Here
8 August 1940: Censored incoming letter from Brisbane. Here
1949 possibly: A cover from Santo to Canada with a very rarely seen P.O. handstamp. Here
8 November 2020
22 September 1921: Philatelic cover to Switzerland Here
13 July 1971: reg. air mail to England Here
25 February 1955: An ALCASÉDINE "Dear Doctor" card to Belgium: Here
4 December 1954: An AMORA "Dear Doctor" card to France: Here
4 December 1954: A FIDELIS "Dear Doctor" card to France: Here
6 November 2020
14 June 1972: OHMS cover to England Here
7 November 1973: FDC cover used later: Air mail cover to G.B. Here
23 November 1973: FDC cover used later: Air mail cover to G.B. Here
3 July 1975: Air mail cover from Santo to Honiara B.S.I. Here
21 July 1976: Air mail letter from Banque de l'Indochine et de Suez to Paris Here
9 May 1978: Air mail cover the Duindui Hospital Aoba to NZ. Here
4 November 2020
29 February 1932: long message postcard to Lyon Here
17 July 1953: M/S THORSISLE "Trysack" ship mail cover to Oregon, U.S.A. Here
9 April 1957: Normal surface cover from Vila to Aalborg Danmark. Here
15 October 1962: Air mail cover from Vila to England. Here
23 May 1958: A postmaster cover (Fist Day of Bougainville-issue) to Germany. Here
1 November 2020
30 October 1969: Air mail cover from Santo to Graz, Austria Here
4 July 1979: Air mail cover from Port-Vila to Graz, Austria Here
31 October 2020
4 January 1960: Air mail cover from Vila to France Here
20 July 1961: Air mail cover from Vila to Leipzig, GDR Here
15 February 1964: Air mail cover from Vila to Nantes, France Here
5 January 1965: Air mail cover from Forari to Versailles, France Here
9 November 1965: Registered air mail letter from Port-Vila to Secane Pennsylvania USA. Here
17 December 1951: Incoming taxed "Schreiber cover" Here
30 October 2020
2 April 1969: Reply postcard to Forari Here
6 March 1954: Taxed air mail to England Here
23 October 1957: Air mail from Montmartre Mission Vila to Noumea Here
5 August 1958: Air mail from Santo to Paris Here
19 March 1959: Air mail from Vila to Ontario Canada Here
11 December 1900: Some CTO ANHCo stamps on pieces of paper. Here
30 November 1970: Reply postcard to Paris Here
28 October 2020
9 August 1944: Censored Postmaster cover to the U.S. Here
22 July 1969: incoming mail from Noumea to Luganville. Here
8 January 1954: very nice incoming cover to the wife of Postmaster O.E. Richards. Here
21 October 1911: Reg. cover to Irving C. Hetherington in Apia, Samoa. Here
27 October 2020
20 November 1909: A Gubbay postcard to Nouéa. Here
29 October 1905: A postcard from Naturel (Valesdir - Epi) to Switzerland. Here
26 October 2020
7 April 1934: A second Leralle cover with this SANTO 7 April 1934 was found by "SeSi": 6 years before SANTO PO opened. Here
25 October 2020
25 February 1935: A Leralle cover again. Here
19 July 1923: A normal Leralle cover sent from his first South Sea employment with the Bamque de l'Indochine. Here
23 October 2020
18 December 1930: A postcard to France at the "no message rate" but with message and not taxed. Here at bottom
30 July 1945 / 29 Oct 1945 / 5 Nov 1945 censored incoming cover to Vila redirected to Noumea. Here
2 October 2020
29 July 1980: The earliest known use of the modified New Hebrides PM30C cancel for future Vanuatu. Here at bottom
27 November 1990: A very late use of New Hebrides stamps. Here at bottom
30 July 1956 Aerogramme from Santo to Fort Lamy, Tchad Here
2 September 2020
An astonishing find by "SeSi": PS2, the early slogan machine cancel was used on the 20-09-66 French WHO issue too as FDC postmark. Here at bottom
31 August 2020
1941-08-29 France Likre cover Here
1936-05-30 Another Trümpy, Switzerland cover Here
Two new picture postcards (Bechade & "unknown") Here
25 August 2020
Some additions to the Reverend Leonard Meister page: Here
24 August 2020
26 January 1940: Earliest NH censored (air) mail known (handstamp & tape): Here
23 August 2020
An addendum : scarce L. Meister cover from Rabaul to Kansas 1925 Here at bottom
14 August 2020
Postmaster cover: 5 February 1946 including the letter Here
Postmaster cover: 31 March 1953 including the letter Here
Postmaster cover: 8 AUguast 1941 to Australia Here
6 August 2020
23 July 2020
The 28 July 1865 Foljambe letter showed up again! Here at bottom
11 July 2020
A new 1924 5d inverted overprint, sheet #2 pos. 3,2 Here
Interesting early 1938 issue air mail to Germany Here
A John Paton postcard Here
1908-12-18 French full set cover to France Here
1926-01-20 registered to France Here
1931-06-19 totally underfranked postcard to Czechoslovakia Here
1948-04-22 postmaster registered air mail to USA Here
1972-07-25 very early 1972 defs registered cover from Santo to France franked 10,60Fg!! Here
1909-05-03 local Vila postcard Here
6 July 2020
Roast Missionary rubber stamp forgery Here
20c on 5d overprint forgery Here at bottom
17 June 2020
A 1970-03-23 PAQUEBOT cover to France and the delivery sheet from the Captain to the Vila PO Here
13 June 2020
Two stamps cancelled with the scarce subtype PM6b Here
1972: Thre registered covers to England with 14 5cg reprints Here
10 June 2020
The second Baldwin QEII First Day cover form Santo found Here
Two nice FDCs 10 Oct 1949 Here
1957-11-27 cover with the 1956 issue with a plate flaw Here
1 June 2020
1938-10-04 5cg underpaid surface coever to U.S.A. Here
1963-02-19 Correcdtly frenked air mail cover to U.S.A. Here
1963-12-19 With 5Fg generoulsy franked registered air mail to Canada. Here
1934-2-19 correctly franked long message postcard to France. Here
30 May 2020
29 May 2020
A 1925 French 5c stamp without perforation at right Here
24 May 2020
1922-02-03 After years another Meister cover showed up: the 38th from the New Hebrides Here
1922-09-06 Registered from Vila to St. Kilda, Australia Here
1925-08-31 Registered from Vila to Auburn Victoria Here
20 May 2020
1963-01-11 Taxed air mail from Vila to Australia (at bottom of page) Here
30 April 2020
22 Januar 1979 correctly franked postcard from Vila to France. Two nice views of Port Vila and Erakor Lagoon Here
27 April 2020
4 April 1960 Paquebot cover with dumb cancels from Santo to Australia. Here
8 July 1960 Paquebot cover with dumb cancels from Santo to Australia. Here
10 November 1938 mixed 1925/38 postage on a Paquebot cover to Australia. Here
30 April 1953 French full set FDC to U.S.A. Here
5 November 1944 local censored cover from Vila to Paama. Here
26 May 1952 letter from Wallaha, Aoba to Danmark. Here
29 November 1949 last day of postmark cover. Here
27 April 1951 air mail to Buenos Aires Here
13 October 1943 local full set registered cover Here
25 April 2020
24 April 2020
1979 Four Rowland Hill issue proofs. Here
1903 Arthur Maury's announcement that the SFdNH locals were isuued (in the left column). Here
1908 nice ship business image PACIFIQUE at Diamond Bay, Epi. Here
21 April 2020
1 March 1965 correctly franked air mail from Santo to Norway. Here
22 February 1977 10cg underpaid air mail from Santo to France. Here
4 July 1980 correctly franked surface mail from Tongoa to England. Here
And a couple of 1978-1980 covers added. Here
18 April 2020
14 April 1905 PM1 on a ANHCo stamp. Here
21 July 1897 a forged PORTVILA cancel on an ANHCo stamp. Here
8 May 1909 local postcard PM4 on two ½d stamps. Here
8 April 1908 10c postcard to France. Here
27 March 1909 the 6th 27 March 1909 Huades cover. Here
17 April 2020
3 July 1929 another DUCOr cover to Asnières, France - taxed by a reason of weight I suppose. Here
18 March 1978 still with the old currency 35cg: aerogramme to France. Here
16 April 2020
Something else for a change: I added a couple of old newspaper sources about the "Syndicat Français des NH" "stamp" issue in 1903.
It's all in the left column of the page . Here
13 April 2020
12 July 1974 nicely decorated cover from Isangle, Tanna to New York. Here
1973-1976 a couple of local covers from these years. Here
27 July 1976 Rossi Hotel air mail cover from Forari to USA. Here
27 July 1977 gold currency on a letter from Longana to ex bishop Rawcliffe in England, a month after begin of FNH! Here
30 June 1977 12 Franc Gold on a local cover. Overpaid! Last day of the Gold Franc. Here
13 April 1977 air mail to Germany 15 cg underpaid. Here
17 May 1977 nicely decorated cover correct 70cg air mail rate to France. Here
21 May 1977 correct 70cg air mail rate to France. Here
16 March 1973 not a cover but a QSL card from Reece Discombe, Port-Vila. Here
1953: 3 b/w proofs. Here
4 April 1918 registered from Aoba to France. Here
12 April 2020
23 December 1947 stampless postmaster cover to U.S.A. with a very late use of postamrk PM7B. Here
1 February 1950 stampless postmaster cover to U.S.A. with even later use of postamrk PM7B. Here
15 July 1903 postcard Vila-France with AHNCo 1d and NSW 1d both with PM1. Here
13 August 1971 air mail cover from Santo to Albi, France with a French FM stamp. Here
29 April 19691 two air mail covers from Santo to Albi, France and Paris with a French FM stamp. Here
4 October 1972 two air mail covers with the 1972 Christmas set to El Toro, California. Here
12 January 1973 air mail covers to Laguna Hills, California. Here
9 March 1973 air mail cover to Laguna Hills, California. Correct 65cg postage. Here
28 December 1973 correctly paid 25-30g air mail cover to Michigan. Here
1 March 1974 correctly paid registered air mail cover to Texas. Here
6 May 1974 correctly paid registered air mail cover to Texas. Here
24 October 1972 Aloi Pilioko decorated air mail cover to California. Underpaid 5cg. Here
14 January 1975 correctly paid registered air mail cover to New York. Here
25 March 1975 3,95Fg postage air mail to Germany. Here
7 April 1975 air mail to U.S.A. possibly underpaid 10cg. Here
9 September 1975 4,25Fg correctly paid postage air mail to Germany. Here
17 March 1976 registered air mail to the U.S., a 5-10g letter correctly franked. Here
15 November 1976 incoming mail from Austria - taxed. Here
31 Jul 1977 incoming mail from France - taxed. Here
7 June 1980 5 FNH overpaisd to the US and a non valid 35cg cancelled with a dummy handstamp. Here
11 April 2020
29 November 1949 A "Last Day of PM9B" cover to Astralia. Here
16 July 1947 "TRAPAS" cover Noumea to Santo. Here
26 May 1943 air mail from Rarotonga, Cook Islands to Wahroonga, Australia redirected to Aoba, New Hebrides. Here
14 March 1945 censored cover to Australia. Here
5 December 1949 air mail cover to France underpaid 5cg. Here
18 November 1977 cover from Vila to Aoba with 10 FNH local overprint. Here
13 October 1977 local cover to Vila with 10 FNH local overprint. Here
4 August 1977 local cover to Vila to Aoba with 10 FNH Paris overprint. Here
9 August 1977 cover to U.S.A. with 10 FNH local overprint and 3 Paris ovpt. stamps. Here
23 October 1977 cover to U.S.A. with Paris overprints. Here
9 November 1977 local 10FNH cover with local overprint. Here
7 December 1977 cover to the U.S. with 2 local 10FNH ovpts and two 15 FNH Paris verprints. Here
14 December 1977 registered cover to the U.S. with 120 FNH Paris verprints. Here
22 December 1977 cover to the U.S. with five local verprints. Here
1977 end of : Jacques Merot postcard to the U.S. with Fr. & Br. 15 FNH local overprints 11 April 2020
23 January 1978 registered cover to the U.S. with 100 FNH and two 5 FNH local overprints. Here
13 March 1978 registered cover to the U.S. with 7 local overprints. Here
4 April 1978 registered cover to the U.S. with 3 local overprints. Here
6 July 1978 overprint demonstartion letter from Jacques Merot o the U.S.. Here
11 April 2020
10 April 2020
1931-08-20 I found the timetable for S.S. "Le Maire" for this early air mail cover! Here
1910 a complet 5c sheet of the French issue in very high resolution - thanks to "SeSi". Here
20 March 1912 A Cliquet cover with the complete 1911/12 French set. Here
22 September 1911 a postcard came from France and was redirected back to France..... Here
I made a page with the prominent pre-WWI covermakers after I saw a Buess cover on the internet for more than 500 USD....
It can be found in the "General" menue and Here
9 April 2020
10 April 1945 double cencored Postmaster cover to Monsieur Leralle, Paris. Here
5 August 1944 very scarce Postmaster cover to an American Soldier in the Solomon Islands routed via U.S. postal system. Here
23 May 1944 Postmaster cover to an American Soldier at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Here
7 April 2020
1 February 1943 the second detained censored postcard from Santo to U.S.A. Here
6 April 2020
1 March 1965 correctly franked 5-10gr air mail cover from Santo to Kristiansand, Norway. Here
3 June 1970 still 15cg local rate from Santo to Lolowai, Aoba, of course "Rawcliffe" ...., and scarce PM47 Here
26 January 1969 correctly paid air cover from Santo to France. Here
4 April 2020
25 May 1940 Cover from Port-Vila to South Australia. Scarce Australian "censored but not opened" censor mark. Here
1943/44 Cover from Resident Commissioner R.D.Blandy to London. Scarce Australian "censored but not opened" censor mark. Here
1973-75 some plain 25cg local covers mainly to official addresses. Here
6 February 1974 cover to New Zealand correct 25cg colonial rate and 10cg air surcharge. Here
12 December 1973 correctly franked registered airmail cover to San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. Here
16 November 1972 correctly franked airmail cover to U.S.A. Here
5 July 1974 real big air mail cover to France franked as 5-10g cover (?!?!?). Here
3 April 2020
13 November 1973 local cover 25cg rate from Vila to Aoba - not "Rawcliffe" Here
31 January 1975 registered local commercial cover 25cg rate from Santo to Aoba - not "Rawcliffe" Here
9 July 1975 local Vila cover 25cg rate. Here
6 March 1976 "Rawcliffe" cover from Sato to Aoba. 25cg rate. Here
29 March 1976 cover from Vila to Aoba. 25cg rate. Here
31 December(?) 1976 cover from Vila to Aoba. 25cg rate. Here
7 October 1975 cover from Vila to Aoba. 25cg rate. Here
2 April 2020
2 July 1953 Ship mail posted on ship " Thor 1 " to Martinez, California. Here
17 February 1953 Two paquebot Malaita covers. Here
24 October 1953 "United Nations Day" covers. Here
30 June 1977 Local cover with a couple of 1972 definitives: Last Day of use for these stamps. Here
1 April 2020
1973 Two Santo registration receipts. Here
31 July 1977 two anniversary covers #25 dive bomber sqadron R.N.Z.A.F. Here
4 October 1976 Three 50th anniversary of pacific flight covers. Here
17 February 1953 M.V. Malaita BSI stamps with NH postmark. Here
30 June 1966 M.V. Oriental Queen NZ stamp with NH postmark. Here
22 June 1969 TULAGI ship letter with Santo cancel error in date. Here
3 July 1970 TULAGI ship letter with NH stamp cancelled on Norfolk Island. Here
19 February 1975 "NORTHERN STAR" ship cover with NZ stamp cancelled Vila. Here
10 November 1958 cover cancel Paquebot in Sydney. Here
31 March
1958 November xx Vila Tulagi cover with BSI stamp from my friend John Gibson. Here
1943/44 Military cover from Guadalcanal(?) to the well known author James A Michener in Santo. Here
30 March
23 June 1947 why is this ship/airmail cover backstamped on Norfolk Island? Here
19 January 1939 registered air mail to France Here
21 June 1947 cover to Paul A. Dorn in Los Angeles. Here
19 November 1936 cover to Australia with Sydney Paquebot postmark Here
31 May 1926 cover to England with Sydney slogan postmark Here
20 September 1921 head of a cover Rev. Leggat to Australia Here
29 March
20 November 1908 postcard with PM2 written in Nouméa (!!) Here
11 April 1909 Two postcards to Noumea from Jean Martin Colonna former and later French Resident Commisssioner Here
28 March
18 August 1924 parts of a (Belmonte?) cover with PM4 Here
9 July 1920 this what once had been a very nice "Pognon" cover from the very eary times of the 1920 provisionals. Here
20 August 1921 2d cover with PM5C (Service Maritime) to Sydney. Here
8 June 1933 heavy registered letter to Paris redirected to Cannes with 3 SFNH seals. Here
17 December 1936 30c underpaid cover to New York. Here
21 January 1924 correct 2d colonial letter rate to London. Here
28 March 1966 ship letter Cal6eacute;donien. Here
22 September 1919 NOT taxed 10c cover from Aoba to Seattle. Here
22 May 1908 a 5c (short message) postcard from PO Roy to Hungary. Here
23 July 1908 a 5c SFdNH commemorative postcard. Here
11 December 1938 letter to High Commissioner Harry Luke in Suva, Fiji. Here
14 March 1930 50c with a quite nice PM5c on a cover to France. Here
19 September 1935 50c with "INTER ISLES" PM10 and 22 SP 35 Vila backstamp on a cover to Australia. Here
27 March
8 February 1913 Cover from Vila to CHicago, U.S.A. The 2d stamp cancelled with PM2 - underpaid ½d Here
18 November 1922 one of these unused cancelled souvenir postacrds Here
11 April 1909 Picture postcard Vila -> Noumea Here
25 October 1924 overpaid registered postcard to Belgium Here
17 December 1928 cover 50c rate to Paris Here
25 June 1936 part cover with 1921 2d stamp and others (at bottom of page) Here
26 March
16 September 1936 incoming from New Zealand with "inconnu" hand stamp Here
29 April 1953 Postmaster cover to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
25 November 1963 Postmaster cover to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
15 August 1965 Postmaster cover to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
10 October 1968 Postmaster cover to our late friend Guy Slatter in Bairiki, Tarawa, G.E.I. Here
28 April 1972 Postmaster cover from Lamap to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
27 April 1972 Postmaster cover from Longana to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
28 April 1972 Postmaster cover from Santo to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
14 February 1966 cover from Lamap to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
22 February 1966 cover from Forari to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
22 February 1966 cover from Santo to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
21 February 1966 cover from Tanna to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
26 September 1967 cover from Lamap to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
15 October 1970 Postmaster cover from Vila to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
20 July 1971(?) Registered air mail from Vila to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
17 September 1979 Cover from Vila to our late friend Guy Slatter in England Here
19 April 1978 Cover from Vila to our late friend Jacques Merot's daughter in Paris Here
7 August 1911 part of a registered cover with 1910 1sh stamp cancelled PM2 Here
12 February 1913 part of a registered cover with 1912 5sh stamp cancelled PM2 Here
18 September 1908 A strange smorgasbord of counterfeit cancels on aq postcard. (at bottom of page) Here
9 April 1911 cover to Vannes, Morbihan, France Here
9 February 1912 Kiderlen cover to Ulm, Germnay Here
25 March
29 September 1906 5c New Caledonia with PM3 on a postcard to Paris Here
9 March 1905 5c New Caledonia with PM3 on a "Gleizes" postcard to Noumea Here
10 June 1906 5c New Caledonia with PM3 on a "Gleizes" postcard to Noumea Here
1 xx 1906 5c New Caledonia with PM3 to France Here
24 March
3 September 1957 piece of paper with the complete set English tax stamps (First Day) cancelled with PM18A Here
10 and 23 June 1958 two correctly franked air mail covers to Australia. Here
30 June 1958 two correctly franked registered air mail covers to Australia. Here
15 June 1959 plain surface cover from Vila Postmaster A. Hirsch to U.S.A. Here
21 July 1959 air mail to Papeete, Tahiti. Here
28 December 1964 air mail to U.S.A. Here
16 February 1965 air mail from Santo to Switzerland correct 70cg rate. Here
14 May 1965 three air mail covers to U.S.A. Here
10 July 1965 correctly paid air mail cover to Germany with UIT stamp. Here
20 December 1965 air mail cover to U.S.A. which a bit overpaid with a 12,95 Fg franking. Here
20 August 1968 air mail (?) to Germany - as air mail heavily underpaid but not taxed. Here
190 August 1971 two Capt. Conway tax covers. Here
23 March
3 May 1958 correctly taxed air mail to U.S.A. Here
7 May 1958 overpaid air mail to U.S.A. Here
5 June 1958 correctly paid surface cover to U.S.A. Here
10 February 1959 overpaid surfce cover to Germany. Here
25 August 1959 correctly paid air mail to U.S.A. Here
1960 maybe 10cg cover to Honiara BSI Here
7 April 1960 reistered air mail to U.S.A. underpaid 30cg but not taxed. Here
5 October 1962 correctly franked registered business air mail to U.S.A. - Gubbay & Co. Santo Here
2 February 1963 correctly paid air mail to U.S.A. Here
14 February 1963 correctly paid air mail to Paris. Here
21 August 1963 two philatelic registered covers to Germany with the complete F & GB sets- overfranked. Here
5 October 1963 15g-20g air letter to France, registered and underpaid 5cg - not taxed. Here
9 October 1963 air mail to Sydney. Correct 25cg franking. Here
31 December 1963 correctly paid air mail to U.S.A. Here
18 November 1965 surface cover from Tanna to U.S.A. Here
21 January 1966 surface cover from Forari to U.S.A. Here
5 October 1963 15g-20g air letter to France, registered and underpaid 5cg - not taxed. Here
9 October 1963 air mail to Sydney. Correct 25cg franking. Here
31 December 1963 correctly paid air mail to U.S.A. Here
18 November 1965 surface cover from Tanna to U.S.A. Here
21 January 1966 surface cover from Forari to U.S.A. Here
22 March
26 March 1958 wrongly franked surface mail to U.S.A. Here
10 November 1958 wrongly franked surface mail to Egypt. Here
3 June 1959 correctly franked air mail cover from Vila to San Francisco. Here
22 November 1960 10cg colonial letter rate to Auki, Malaita, BSI. Here
24 March 1961 overpaid air mail to the U.S. Here
5 April 1962 local cover from Vila to Aoba. 15cg colonial letter rate. Here
24 April 1962 local cover from Santo to Aoba. 15cg colonial letter rate. Here
16 May 1962 local cover from Santo to Aoba. 15cg colonial letter rate. Here
16 December 1963 local cover from Santo to Aoba. 15cg colonial letter rate. Here
13 June 1959 correctly franked air mail cover to NZ. Here
11 July 1960 air mail cover to Heliopolis Egypt. Correct postage. Here
1960 maybe according to the franking air mail cover to NZ. Here
1961 maybe according to the franking air mail cover to Australia. Here
20 March
12 August 1959 incorrecly franked air mail postcard to Woodstock, U.S.A. from Vila PO Hirsch with a scarce handstamp "Mail Officer / L'Agent du Courrier" Here
15 July 1959 correcly franked air mail from Vila to NZ. Here
30 November 1959 underpaid registered air mail to U.S.A. Here
20 November 1961 correctly franked air mail to Canada. Here
14 August 1962 registered air mail from Santo to Los Angeles, scarce roller cancel & correctly franked. Here
28 December 1963 correcly franked air mail from Santo to France. Here
20 March
2 November 1962 6 covers commemorating the opening of Forari Post Office and a photo of this Office in 2013. Here
27 May 195x air mail cover to Suva, Fiji. Stamps tell me it's from 1953. Here
24 May 1954 taxed air mail cover to Suva, Fiji. Stamps tell me it's from 1953. Here
11 August 1954 very correctly paid registered air mail to Australia. Here
2 September 1954 correctly taxed air mail to U.S.A. Here
13 February 1955 correctly franked air mail to France. Here
26 December 1957 air mail to Heliopolis, Egypt. Here
17 November 1961 correctly taxed air mail from Santo to Australia. Here
19 March
14 August 1957 surface mail to U.S.A. franked 20cg. Here
18 November 1960 surface mail to U.S.A. franked 20cg. Here
6 January 1955 correctly franked air mail cover from Santo to Suva, Fiji. Here
8 September 1955 air mail to France correctly taxed 70c. Here
24 September 1954 incorrectly taxed surface mail to U.S.A. Here
14 October 1954 correctly franked air mail to U.S.A. missent to Australia Here
xx xx 1953 mixed franking with QEII stamp but heavily overpaid air mail to England Here
7 November 1953 correctly franked registered air mail to U.S.A. Here
22 May 1953 air mail to the U.S. Here
8 December 1953 correctly franked air mail to France. Here
31 March 1957 overpaid air mail to Australia. Here
25 September 1954 underfranked air mail to Canada. Here
18 March
10 October 9149 First Day cover to U.S.A. Here
23 June 1952 1949 French UPU set on a card to U.S.A. Here
15 March
Some now 1956/57 Postmaster covers (at top of page) Here
10 March
1942 October 6: censored Postmaster cover to Cuba, not franked! Here
Today I placed the last official covers from my collection here
10 March
I made a new page which will hold all the Postmaster covers I have or of which I have images.
It's in "Philatelic Sundries". Here
9 March
About 40 stampless covers and official mail placed on the website: Here
1975 June 20: 15cg underpaid air mail to U.S.A. Here
1975 September 18: 15cg underpaid air mail to U.S.A. Here
1977 January 19: 15cg underpaid air mail to U.S.A. Here
1977 November 4: Local letter rate Vila to Lolowai. Here
1978 January 17: Local letter rate Santo to Lolowai. Here
1978 July 20: Cover from Lolowai to England to Rawcliffe. Here
1978 September 9 & 11: Covers from Santo to U.S.A. each overpaid 5 FNH. Here
1978 October 30: Cover from Santo to U.S.A. overpaid 10FNH. Here
1979 May 23: Cover from Vila to U.S.A. overpaid 5FNH. Here
1979 June 20: Local Mail in Port Vila. Correct 5FNH A/O mail with open cover. Here
1979 July 27: Port Vila to New Zealand. Overpaid 5FNH. Here
1979 October 25: Local Mail in Port Vila supposedly. Correct 5FNH A/O mail with open cover. Here
1979 October 31: Local letter rate in Port Vila: 10FNH. Here
1979 November 30: Local letter rate 10FNH from Port Vila to Lolowai. Here
8 March
1939 November 8: The 37th Mère Marie Alexis cover(fragment) with nice c & cg mixed franking. Here
1972 July 20: 35cg arogramme to France Here
1950 March 18: Nice Postmaster air mai cover correctly franked to France Here
1956 December 12: stampless (postage collected) Postmaster air mail cover to England Here
1969/70: a couple of postmaster cover to different countries (at bottom of page) Here
abou 1980: a couple of official cachet covers (at bottom of page) Here
6 March
I replaced the incomplete picture of Hubert Goron's quarter block of the unroulettet sheet of the ANHCo stamps with a complete one. Here
The 73rd 1920 5C without Condominium (No. 22) Here
The 74th 1920 5C without Condominium (No. 41) Here
The 75th 1920 5C without Condominium (No. 42) Here
The 76th 1920 5C without Condominium (No. 36) Here
The 12th 1920 5C without Condominium forgery (No. F04) Here
The 13th 1920 5C without Condominium forgery (No. F08) Here
Two sheets and some singles of the 1893 essays Here
Two some singles of the 1893 essays (at bottom) Here
5 March
About 70 stampless covers and official mail placed on the website:
27 July 1912 a multi-franked Reinhard cover to Switzerland. Here
17 November 1919 colour picture postcard to France. Here
4 March
About 70 stampless covers and official mail placed on the website:
17 February 1953 stampless postmaster cover to New York. Here
22 October 1970 stampless postmaster cover to England. Here
and all the others please see Here
27 February 2020
December 1967 two air mail covers to Germany - correct postage. Here
4 October 1967 air mail cover to California - 10cg overpaid. Here
15 October 1970 four covers with first day of postnmarks and Longana P.O. to Papua New Guinea. Here
27 June 1969 correctly franked air mail to Australia. Here
29 January 1968 overpaid 10cg air mail to U.S.A. Here
15 March 1966 commercial air mail to Noumea redirected to Casablanca. Here
14 August 1966 local cover from Santo to Lolowai, Aoba. Here
11 August 1966 local cover from Vila via Santo to Lolowai, Aoba. Here
29 May 1969 local cover from Vila via Santo to Lolowai, Aoba. Here
8 July 1969 local cover from Vila via Santo to Lolowai, Aoba. Here
14 June 1967 local cover from Forari to Vila. Here
30 August 1969 registered from Santo to England. Here
13 September 1968 a MATSON cover from S.S. Monterey to California. Here
5 January 1967 PPC to France franked as air mail. Here
30 June 1967 cover from Tanna to Vila. Here
6 July 1970 Two overfranked air mail covers to U.S.A. Here
11 July 1969 window cover to an unknown destination frenked 1,95Fg. Here
6 May 1971 local Vila commercial cover overfranked 5cg. Here
6 May 1971 local Vila commercial cover overfranked 5cg. Here
25 February 1971 heavily franked (3,60Fg) Rawcliffe cover from Lonagna via Santo to England. Here
26 February 2020
xx December 1966 air mail to Egypt - underpaid 10cg. Here
18 October 1965 air mail to U.S.A. underpaid 5cg. Here
6 July 1970 correctly franked pictur postcard from Vila to Honolulu. Here
23 January 1967 surface mail to U.S.A. Here
26 January 1967 air mail from Tanna to Egypte underpaid 10cg Here
25 February 2020
24 April 1972 letter to Tainan, Taiwan with the two 1979 South Pacific Games sets on a 1957 FDC preprinted cover. Here
21 January 1967 air mail to France, 60cg correct postage. Here
27 December 1968 underpaid registered air mail to Italy. Here
27 January 1969 air mail from Santo to Aruligo, Guadalcanal, BSI. Here
1 May 1970 a return to sender card for a Lufthansa fligh to Oslo. Here
26 November 1966 5cg overpaid air mail to U.S.A. Here
7 February 1966 surface mail from Tanna to Scotland Here
6 March 1967 Air mail from Port-Vila to France Here
11 February 1967 Rawcliffe cover from Vila to Lolowai, Aoba Here
24 February 2020
5 January 1972 Rawcliffe cover from Santo to Lolowai, Aoba. Underpaid 5 cg. Here
24 September 1972 a German air mail return to sender product. Here
10 October 1971 Local cover from Longana to Vila reditected to Lolowai, correct 20cg rate. Here
28 December 1971 Local cover from Santo to Lolowai overpaid 5cg. Here
16 December 1971 Local cover from Port Vila to Lolowai correct 20cg rate. Here
9 January 1974 Incoming mail from Honiaria BSI to Santo. Here
15 January 1977 Aerogramme from Vila (to Stan Jersey, U.S.A. Here
4 April 1973 Aerogramme from Santo to U.S.A. Here
17 January 1978 Paquebot cover from ARCADIA in Suva, Fiji to England Here
22 December 1970 cover from the Resident Commissioner to England Here
15 October 1970 registered FDC to Malta Here
21 December 1972 registered cover to Austria underpaid 5cg Here
15 June 1970 registered cover to U.S.A. Here
6 July 1970 cover to U.S.A. Here
13 December 1969 3 covers, one registered to Gorizia, Italy Here
4 February 1976 cover to New Zealand - a late one with the 1969 bungee stamps. Sent from Lolowai via Santo Here
22 February 2020
25 May 1979 Air mail to USA underpaid 5 FNH. Here
Two covers 25 May 1976 to U.S.A. Here
Two covers 10 February 1976 with PM24 & PM25 to Noumea. Here
16 March 1976 Air mail from Santo to France. Here
22 November 1972 Air mail to Australia, overpaid but with a nice Aloi Pilioko imprint. Here
21 July 1973 Another Rawcliffe cover. Here
4 April 1974 Another Rawcliffe cover. Here
11 & 22 June 1973 two local covers to Lolowai, Aoba (no. not Rawcliffe!). Here
22 February 2020
24 September 1947 air mail cover from Vila to Buenos Aires. Here
13 May 1980 Official mail from Santo to Port Vila. Here
23 xx 1966 Air Mail from Port Vila to France Here
31 July 1977 a lst day of stamp card with the Concorde 5Fg Here
31 May 1955 postcard from Vila to ENgland Here
13 September 1966 Air mail from Germany to Vila heavily taxed. Here
17 March 1964 Air mail to USA. Here
25 May 1962 Air mail letter from Santo to Marboz (Ain) France Here
28 July 1961 untaxed underpaid surface mail to Eastern Germany Here
11 August 1958 rare local taxed cover from Santo to Vila Here
9 November 1976 regtistered air mail from Vila to Canada Here
2 August 1979 Air Mail cover to New Zealand with PM55 and PM30C Here
29 September 1975 coorctly franked postcard to France Here
1 December 1978 cover to New Zealand partly a FDC Here
23 May 1956 Air mail to France with stamps on reverse Here
21 February 2020
7 April 1972 local newspaper wrapper Vila - Santo. Here
8 January 1979 very local newspaper wrapper Vila - Vila. Here
18 November 1922 two more of these unused but franked & cancelled souvenir postcards. Here
16 December 1977 local air mail cover Vila - Lolowai. Here
9 January 1979 cover Vila - U.S.A. Here
26 September 1975 Air Mail from Tanna to New Zealand. Here
28 April 1973 local Santo cover - Air mail from Santo to Santo! Here
22 July 1972 Another Rawcliffe cover from Port Vila to Lolowai! Here
1 June 1972 a philatelic cover Port Vila - U.S.A. 90cg cancelled with PM31B. Here
22 February 1967 philatelic definitives cover to Le, Nw Guinea. Here
4 April 1970 10cg cancelled PM46 on a cover from Santo to Aoba. Here
21 January 1971 very local cover from Santo to Santo 20cg cancelled PM29B. Here
4 September 1971 heavily overpaid philetelic cover to Carnegie, Australia. Here
24 January 1967 Registered Air Mail overfranked to Glen Clifford in Penola Here
20 February 2020
28 March 1980 Local Coucil West Ambrim to Post Vila. Here
19 March 1973 cover from Lenakel / Tanna to Mbabane / Swaziland, Africa. Here
18 February 2020
27 May 1955 - A supply letter from Vila PO to Mr. Baldwin. Here
3 September 1951 surface letter to the U.S. Here
3 September 1951 surface letter to the U.S. Here
21 April 1955 registered air mail cover to Germany with far enough postage of 10Fg! Here
7 October 1942 censored to Australia, cancelled in Waroonga and redirected. Here
16 February 2020
4 January 1967 air mail cover to the U.S.A. Here
16 February 2020
17 November 1959 cover to Merseburg German Democratic Republic Here
2 December 1976 cover from Tongoa to Seurre, France with GK PM50 Here
12 July 1972 cover from Vila to Lolowai Here
12 July 1972 cover from Vila to Lolowai Here
8 October 1970 from Vila to Iceland Here
30 October 1925 very nice picture postcard from Vila to France. Here
14 August 1969 another Paule Weber cover to her home in Metz. Here
18 January 1974 cover with a nice Pilioko imprint to France. Here
29 August 1930 cover 50c colonial letter rate to England. Here
5 February 1965 another Paule Weber cover, local this time from Tanna to Malicolo. Here
20 August 1979 cover to England with the Agricultural Show slogan postmark. Here
18 June 1968 cover to Belgium with a 1957 stamp and others. Here
6 July 1973 Air mail to Lima, Peru. Here
15 February 2020
26 Dec 1978 PPC to Ireland Here
16 March 1972 underpaid air mail to Abidjan Here
24 June 1957 correct non-colonial letter rate to U.S.A. Here
9 December 1965 simple cover from Lamap to USA. Here
20 August 1979 postcard to France with the Agricultural Show slogan postmark. Here
27 April 1976 postcard from Santo to England. Here
26 February 1936 part of a John G. Walker "Interisland Service" cover. Here
14 February 2020
Late Baldwin reg. cover 8 June 1965 from Forari to N.S.W. Here
1973 maxicard 2Yasur" to Noumea Here
22 May 1936 cover from Vila to Boston Here
24 June 1964 Red Cross Fdc with 1957 definitives from Santo to France Here
13 July 1912 from Vila to South Africa Here
1957 definitives on a 1965 FDC cover : 6 October 1965 Air Mail to England Here
13 February 2020
19 October 1912 from Port Vila to Paris Here
12 February 2020
25 January 1939 registered to Switzerland Here
The right four stamps of the "Goron" block of six misplaced 2d overprints showed up again. (at bottom of page) Here
1969 / 1971 Two covers from Santo to France franked FM Here
1908-07-23 two NC stamps and a SFdNH 5c all cancelled with PM2 Here
11 February 2020
A very low 1921 2d overprint Here
27 November 1904 postcard to France Here
18 March 1950 cover to France Here
2d overprint block of 12 (at bottom) Here
15 March 1954 25cg rate aerogramme to France Here
9 March 1978 15FNH rate aerogramme to U.S.A: Here
10 February 2020
28 January 2020
The so far latest NH Hambly cover from 29 April 1942 from Santo to Naremburn N.S.W. (at bottom) Here
25 January 2020
A 26 July 1934 Leralle mourning cover
Postmaster cover to France including nice letter from PM
Another 1907 1F overprint
10c & 25c inverted overprint
19 December 2019
Another Bonnet black print solo on a big sheet, Bonnet single in red and a vertical strip of 6 and Bonnet imitation forgeries in black and blue (at bottom).
A 28 April 1969 commercially used aerogramme to France
09 December 2019
8 December 2019
A local Nouméa cover to Lt. Col. Delauney who initiated the production
of the New Caledonia and New Hebrides military labels which remained in the state of essays.
The very nice Ed Grabowski 20 February 1904 cover to Bréole has a new owner and we have the reverse of the cover now.
22 November 2019
20 November 2019
17 November 2019
14 November 2019
30 December 1977 a Jacques Mérot letter with local provisionals
16 January 1978 a Jacques Mérot letter with local provisionals
8 November 2019
A nice impression of the SANTO 7 AP 34 27 postmark on the reverse of s postcard (at bottom)
A nice (and "hot") 8 May 1909 taxed postcard to Noumea
7 November 2019
5 November 2019
2 June 1957 "Thor 1" shipmail to U.S.A.
30 June 1953 taxed letter from Santo to Sydney.
6 Dec 1947 first flight cover Sydney Vila.
The 21st inverted 1d overprint at pos 2,1.
2 November 2019
26 October 2019
27 September 2019
4 September 2019
28 June 30 reg. postmaster cover to England - unusual imprint
Two early Australia & New Zealand picture postcards
3 September 2019
7 December 1943 registered France Libre censored to California
23 March 1943 registered France Libre censored to California
23 July 1942 registered France Libre censored to California
2 x Br. 30 FHN error sheet
Br. 30 FHN error block of 6
24 July 1909 registered to Switzerland
30 August 1937 registered air mail to France
27 May 1936 registered air mail to France
A giant France Libre FDC to the acting resident commissioner
4 May 1977 aerogramme to U.S.A.
A 1980 provisional NH-Vanuatu aerogramme possibly
2 September 2019
31 August 1953 registered business cover to Australia
4 December 1953 : The final proof that Doctor-Cards were handled in Port Vila: A PM19A on a doctor card!
20 December 1979 Aerogramme from our late friend Jacques mérot from Vila to his wife in Paris
30 August 2019
27 August 2019
30 June 1976 Air mail letter to U.S.A.
15 October 1970 Official opening of Longana PO.
9 December 1976 registered air mail from Vila to Gtrand Rapids U.S.A.
13 December 1979 two German form Aerogrammes
26 August 2019
28 March 1977 Air mail from Port Olry to Rome.
23 December 1971 Registered air mail from Port Vila to Marseille.
29 August 1967 Registered air mail from Port Vila to France.
15 February 1964 plain letter to Sweden.
23 August 2019
15 November 1950 big Savings Bank registered cover to Australia
Air to France first missent to Adelaide
16 July 1954 to Tucson U.S.A.
21 August 2019
14 March 1941 censored to Shanghai
The Léon Fauriol postcard mystery" was no mystery: update
11 March 1936 to France
18 August 2019
25 July 1980 Aerogramme to Germany
The Léon Fauriol postcard mystery" nearly at bottom
A 5c w/o Condominium forgery at bottom left
17 August 2019
A partially cancelled doctor card. 4 December 1954 ?
16 March 1943 "Fuellner cover" with a full French set of France Libre stamps 10 April 1909 registered to U.S.A.
10 June 2019
7 July 2019
10 June 2019
21 May 2019
8 July 1905 5c SFdNH postcard cancelled PM2!
More information on aerogrammes from Allan Gory at left of page!
20 May 2019
18 May 2019
9 April 2019
23April 2019
6 April 2019
11 March 2019
7 March 2019
Two aerogrammes 5 August 1968 Lamap / Tanna to England
30 FNH - FHN error #69273
25 FNH - FHN error #26250
1 March 2019
28 February 2019
22 August 1907 forged cancel
1 May 1930 cover to England
25 August 1931 registered to Franc redirected to Algeria
27 March 1936 simple cover tu U.S.A.
24 September 1941 - another full set France Libre Stolow cober
25 October 1941 simple letter censored to Australia
An very interesting 26 September 1903 New Caledonian stamps study
13 November 1952 air mail from Santo to Kolding, Denmark
27 February 2019
21 July 70 air mail letter to France
8 March 71 air mail registered letter to France
21 May 1942 souvenir card with nice postmarks
21 May 1952 registered Vila - Saigon
17 April 1952 normal air mail to Kolding Denmark
22 December 1947 air mail to France
1F timbre taxe proof
1 July 1963 MALAITA ship paquebot NH from BSI
Information about the writer of the 4 Jan & 4 Dec 1905 and 4 Jan 1906 cards
Postcard von Mata Wulu (Santo) to Vila
10 September 1929 registered ship-letter to Indochina
26 September 1938 registered ship-letter to Sydney
16 May 1919 Postmaster reg. letter to France - underfranked
An English 1938 full set "used" in France
22 November 1908 to Cote d'Ivoire
26 February 2019
18 April 1958 incoming OHMS from Australia taxed 1F50c in Vila
24 February 1964 picture postcard to France correct 10gc rate./A>
Plain letter to U.S.A. 30cg rate>
9 April 1947 cancelled PM9B - overpaid 15cg
28 May 47 surface at 30 cg rate to U.S.A. PM7d in blue
10 May 1950 Plain cover to England - 10cg cancelled PM7B. - late use!
14 October 1954 Bank letter to England overpaid 5cg
4 January 1906 postcard to New Zealand NSW 1d rate, PM1 -----------------> please click and read text !!!!!!
25 February 2019
29 August 1967 reg air to France
7 September 1968 reg air to France
26 September 1969 reg air to France
26 February 1969 reg air to France
27 November 1969 reg air to France
Three QUII covers NOT FDC, two with French Santo cancels
28 Dcember 1935 Leralle cover
Longana opening registerd in Port-Vila
11 June 1968 registered from Lamap to England
31 May 1968 registered from Santo to England
19 August 171 incoming to Longana w/o stamps and taxed
15 October 1976 - the rather scarce Vila PAQUEBOT handstamp PM48
10-12-1968 Two Concordes on a cover Port-Vila to England
16-12-1968 Two Concordes on a cover Port-Vila to England
Postcard to England - tax for unknown reason
10 Oct 1911 nearly fulls set cover to France
ANHCo used 1903
26 March 1964 heavy OHMS cover air mail to London
18 July 1947 TRAPAS first air mail NH-NC
24 February 2019
PM3 on a postcard - possibly 1907
A simple SFdNH cover with an interesting handwriting (1903 ??)
A 13 July 1971 private FDC of the games issue
10 October 1960 air mail Santo France
13 December 1958 air mail Santo France
15 February 1943 1941 full set on unaddressed cover
18 June 1950 "Appel Historique" cover to U.S.A.
24 May 1950 Plain cover to U.S.A.
18 September 1936 postmaster to U.S.A.
23 February 2019
14 October 1910: a sample for the Buess cut-outs (at bottom)
A 1977 or 1978 photoletter
10 June 1941 Baldwin cover
1 April 1953 a 1938 full set cover registered to London
4 May 1971 business cover to U.S.A.
18 November 1929 registered ship letter to France.
22 February 2019
14 October 1910: another Buess cover
16 April 1942 France Libre full set cover
10 September 1929 reg. ship letter to France
18 January 1961 French full set air mail letter (J. Crompton) to England
10 October 1949 FDC (J. Crompton) to England
10 October 1949 picture FDC to England
3 French France Libre on a 16 June 1949 cover
3 June 1942 France Libre correct rate cover to U.S.A.
28 Oct 1941 Stolow cover
Another PM40B NORSUP before opening of the PO - 18 Feb 1975
21 February 2019
17 December 1951 in from Iraq and taxed 1Fg
Another Cronin nonsense cover with a 1941 stamp on a 1962 letter (like here
Another Cronin nonsense cover with a 1910 stamp on a 1962 letter (like here
6 February 1928 Normal letter to England
9 March 1931 ship mail cancelled Sydney to Papua
5 March 1935 ship mail cancelled Sydney to Sydney
23 June 1932 postmaster stampless to U.S.A.
27 April 1931 letter to New Caledonia.
2 December 1926 registered to AUstralia.
5 September 1952 air mail Santo to Scotland.
Another Leralle product supposedly: 7 April 1934 SANTO again this time on a postcard.
24 April 1948 Postmaster cover to Sweden.
6 January 1972 incoming registered G. Barber cover to Lamap, taxed on 28 April 1972, "inconnu".
20 July 1942 A nice multi-censored cover to Syria.
20 February 2019
26 August 1962 nice picture postcard to France
10 November 1938 NH to France Sydney cancel
Another 11 December 1900 ANHCo cover
27 March 1917 shipmail to North Ireland
30 October 1911 OHMS shipmail to Fiji
26 February 1932 shipmail taxed to USA
25 September 1936 shipmail to France
1 May 1945 censored to Noumea
23 May 1928 registered to England
15 March 1938 cover to England
11 March 1933 cover to Scotland
29 September 1970 postmaster registered air mail to France
31 December 1970 postmaster registered air mail to France
7 August 1929 - late use of a 1911 1/- stamp
24 July 1962 two Baldwin TULAGI shp letters from BSI
19 February 2019
1974-10-02 stampless from Norsup - giving new information aboout the postmark
A very late commercial use of the 1953 QEII stamp.
A 22 SE 53 postmaster use of the 1953 QEII stamp.
8 November 1937 parcel tag
6 October 1941 Baldwin cover
1 May 1910 postmaster registered to France
27 Sept 1939 registered to France censored Indochina
12 December 1908 postcard from Newman to Malmberg
18 February 2019
16 February 2019
I completed some major changes (doing some work as long as my eyes allow): added some auction PDFs and prices realised
and placed everything in the Menue item "General" (top second from left) under "Collection of Auctions". I'm still looking for
the prices realised of the Oct 1985 Robson Lowe auction - can please send somebody a scan?
Collection of Auctions 1967 - 2018
Collection of Auctions 1967 - 2018
14 February 2019
13 February 2019
the NH part of the 1991 Rodeny Perry Auction Catalogue
the NH part of the 2000 Macray Watson Auction Catalogue
3 February 2019
2 February 2019
1936-08-03 Another Leralle cover again (at bottom)
Philatelic Bulletin No 52 (at left)
some ANHCo stuff
30 January 2019
28 January 2019
A very interesting stampless cover: "....national unity"
04 March 1980 PPC to Germany
Air 1966-08-31 to France
1d ANHCo proof
24 January 2019
24 January 2019
Two de Gaulle stamps gold omittet
Jeux proofs
1953 proofs
35cg Churchill essay
25 Nov 1963 private French FDC 30cg
1920 10c & 5c millesimes
Aircrafts b/w proofs
1F prov. overprint
23 January 2019
ANHCo : unrouletted block of 4 1d stamps
1950 nonsense ANHCo cover to Czech Republic
A vertical strip of 6 of the Bonnet imitation
A bootom block of 6 SG35
A 2d split overprint on RF
1910 50c block of 4 with millesime
5c very low CONDOMINIUM
21 January 2019
13 Dec 1950 20cg postmaster cover to USA
13 Dec 1947 30cg cover to USA
25 Aug 1944 reg cover to USA from Reverend Gillan, Tangoa
7 Nov 1941 60cg censored to Australia
15 Sep 1939 90cg + NC stamps air mail to France
20 Oct 1944 NZ censored Baldwin cover from Santo to Sydney
1939-02-03 Peythieux cover
19 January 2019
Premiere Assemblee Error in blocks of four
ANHCo : unrouletted block of 30 1d stamps
1897 SP 4 snippet with PM1 and 4 NSW 1899
4 more Peythieux covers added
17 January 2019
1930-07-25 A nice postmaster letter showing the postmarks in use in 1930
1941 photo of Port Vila main street
A 22 Aout 1907 postcard with SFdNH and forged cancel
SFdNH 25c with FRANCEVILLE cancel, some Pt Sandwich and Vila too
SG 25 and SG 26 sheets
SG 42 sheet
16 January 2019
A very fine 19 Oct 1903 Sandwich cancel on a 15c SFdNH stamp
A 15 Dec 1906 Havannah cancel on a 5c SFdNH stamp
27 OCT 1906 PM3 on 5c and on 25c SFdNH stamps
27 June 1980 Aerogramme with Longana PM42C
5 AUG 99 type PM1 on ANHCo stamp
Coverpiece SNHCo Mr. Basset Hull
15 January 2019
A 22 Aug 1980 Papua-New Guinea forces aerogramme Vanuatu - England
A Pt Havannah cancel on SFdNH with copy on reverse
A very nice Pt Sandwich cancel on SFdNH
SG 24 sheet
14 January 2019
Oct 40 first air Noumea - Vila
ANHCo 2d local cover
24 Aug 1979 cover with Agriculture slogan cancel
27 March 1918 to England - cancvels and R in violet
2 Nov 1949 complete set on a Service des Postes cover
18 Nov 1924 cover to Sydney
Another Millet cover with a proviisonal as tax
14 June 1967 from Forari to Port-Vila
4 Aug 1897 cover piece of a Hambly cover
xx Mai 1907 postcard with SFdNH stamp to Italy
four 22 Aout 1907 postcards with SFdNH and forged cancel
1924 issue cover, Service Maritime to Sydney
15 April 1907 postcard
12 January 2019
7 January 2019
½d sheet
SG 34 sheet
SG 37 sheet
Two SG F13 sheets
SG 18 sheet
Two SG F24 sheets
SG F22 sheet
SG F41 sheet
SG F39 sheet
SG 40 sheet
SG 41 sheet
SG 31 sheet
Registered to France with 9 1977 local overprints
1 July 1980 from Ambrym to Vila with Local Council handstamp
A 11 DEC 1900 ANHCo single
A 11 DEC 1900 ANHCo cover to Sydney
22 AOUT 07 forgery
6 January 2019
A 22 SE 21 Ackland cover
Some remarks on Leralle here
5/- 1912-06-29 registered to Germany
The 5th Rice (Stolow?) "France Libre" cover 1942-04-16
A complete 1941 cancelled PM13 - all different dates !!
5 January 2019
Some remarks on Leralle here ...
....and here
a 6 Oct 1941 Baldwin cover
5 Oct 1923 postcard with 5F
7 June 1924 cover with the scarce GK type PM6b
2 January 2019
1 January 2019

31 December 2018
A Santo UPU FDC with French postmark.
A QEII cover NOT cancelled on 2 June 1953!
Samples of the forged Goyns-Klinger type PU9A cancel
23 December 2018
A nice view of Port Vila 1957
3 Maroney postcards with SFdNH stamps cancelled 1904/A>
A Maroney postcards with a ANHCo stamp cancelled/A>
21 December 2018
15 December 2018
05 December 2018
04 November 2018
23 October 2018
23 October 2018
07 October
01 October
27 September
The 37th inverted overprint 5d stamp sheet #2, pos. 7-3
A SG58a with selvedge (at bottom)
Another SG58a (#57)
24 September
23 September 2018
3 September 2018 - from the Jim Crompton sale
English 25FNH sheet #26491 FHN error block of four
English 30FNH sheet #69314 FHN error block of four
French 25FNH sheet #55395 FHN error block of two
French 30FNH sheet #83025 FHN error block of four
French 35FNH sheet #78552 "no F" error block of four
English 5FNH double overprint
English 15FNH inverted overprint
A French 5F proof
31 August 2018
26 August 2018
25 August 2018
Early (10 April 1940) Santo registered.
1966 Churchill proofs / presentation cards.
2 1925 Tax double overprints.
SG35 block of six.
SGF35 sheet.
1939 incoming to Captain Peythieux.
11 Aug 1908 cancel forgery.
22 August 2018
19 August 2018
24 July 2018
On start page left: Complete ovpt forgery of SG58a.
Another two full sets Stolow cover.
1915-06-19 PPC - not travelled
1938-04-01 registered to the U.S.
9 July 2018
More about the 1977 privisional overprints.
A very local (5km from Lolowai to Lonagna on Aoba)letter at the 5 FNH local printed matter rate.
11.08.72 local printed matter rate from Vila to Lolowai.
18 June 2018
15 June 2018
14 June 2018
13 June 2018
25 July 1916 registered to France.
28 OCT 38 registered ship/airmail cover to France.
8 June 39 registered airmail cover to France.
5 December 39 registered airmail cover to France.
31 October 39 registered airmail cover to France.
6 March 40 registered airmail cover to France.
12 March 40 registered airmail cover to France.
17 May 2018
20 May 2018
16 May 2018
14 May 2018
A scarce PM6b cover found on this site with a date unknown so far: 1924-06-26.
A sible PM6b stamp 1924-06-14.
1893 military essay forgery #7.
1893 military essay design A sheet.
13 May 2018
A photo of the assidudous letter writer of the 1930s Roger Desestre.
1913-02-19 postcard to Noumea.
1910-04-10 postcard to Noumea written by judge Jean Colonna.
1931-11-17 Letter to Tonkin by a worker on Norsup CCNH.
1977-08-08, 1977-08-10 and 1977-08-11 10 FNH locals overprint used locally.
1977-08-29 and 1977-09-20 5 FNH locals overprint used locally as local printed matter rate.
8 May 2018
1910-06-03 postcard to Noumea.
Two 1909-05-02 REGISTERED postcards to Noumea.
A 1911-09-22 postcards from Santo to Noumea with the scarce PM4 with inverted date block.
A 1918-12-13 postcards from Tiby Hagen to his daughter Andrée in Sydney.
1947-07-18 air mail cover to Noumea.
14 April 2018
10 March 2018
1973-10-29 late cover withe 63/65 stamps taxed to France.
1973-10-16 registered to England.
1977-06-20 Local letter Vila - Vila.
1973-11-26 cover to Italy.
1974-11-04 registered air mail to France.
1975-10-16 Air mail from Lamap to France.
1975-10-16 Surface mail from Longana to France.
1975-10-21 Air mail from Tanna to France.
1978-06-20 Photo letter to France.
1979-02-27 Letter from Santo to Longana Aoba.
1979-07-17 Letter from Port Vila to France.
1979-08-09 Letter from Port Vila to France.
8 March 2018
1968-09-06 Air Mail to Dandenong, Victoria, Australia.
1968-07-04 Air Mail to France.
1968-01-30 Air Mail postcard to Hobart, Tasmania.
1967-12-28 Air Mail to Paris.
1967-10-03 Air Mail to France.
1967-09-27 Registered Air Mail to France.
1969-05-12 Surface letter to Windsor Junction, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
1961-11-24 Surface letter to Sydney.
7 March 2018
1953-10-12 Air mail cover to France.
1954-05-12 Registered air mail cover to France.
1957-11-27 Air mail cover to Paris
1958-05-19 Air mail cover to Paris
1961-08-24 Registered to U.S.A.
1949-09-24 First flight cover Noumea - Paris.
5 March 2018
1 March 2018
1941-11-25 stampless OHMS to Sydney.
1941-12-26 incoming from AU to Mrs. Lançon and redirected back to AU.
1937-12-28 cover to Burwood, redirected to Hobart and redirected back to Burwood.
1949-11-30 with 1938 issue to Switzerland.
1950-07-24 air to Australia.
1938-09-07 air to France.
1974-12-20 registered cover to Sydney with AR cachet.
1932-11-15 Leralle cover - the 215th NH Leralle cover now.
1911-04-09 ppc to France
1921-06-14 heavy cover to Australia
1897-12-30 Hambly ANHCo cover
1 March 2018
1970-10-26 cover from Santo to Nassau / Bahamas.
1974-11-19 cover to England.
1969-12-03 picture postcard to Nassau / Bahamas.
1948-07-21 Air Mail to U.S.A.
1962-07-31 cover to England
1977-11-08 cover with 40 FNH local overprint to France
1975-08-22 aerogramme from Vila to England
1971-12-07 aerogramme front from Santo to England
1969-12-25 Tulagi cover to Paris
1970-07-05 Tulagi cover to Paris
1975-12-05 incoming from Fiji
A dot matrix printer ANHCo cancel fakee!!
1 March 2018
1980-03-13 Vila downtown picture postcard.
1966-11-09 Air Mail cover to France.
1966-10-26 Cover to France from Gubbay / Tuka-Tano / Erakor Lagoon
1975-11-26 stampless mail from Norsup to Vila with "GERANT DE CAISSE" cachet.
1973-01-12 All 1972 Christmas issues on a letter to La Réunion.
1973-01-12 All 1972 QE II 25th wedding anniversary issues on a letter to La Réunion.
1973-05-16 Two commem sets on a cover to St. Denis, La Réunion.
1965-05-17 French ITU private FDC from Forari.
1973-11-13 simple letter to Popondetta, Papua New Guinea.
local postcard.
A cover cut apart?.
1973-07-29 Gubbay cover to Papua New Guinea.
1957-07-10 incoming mail to Santo.
27 February 2018
7 August 1911: Registered cover with 3 high value stamps to France.
26 February 1953 Air Mail cover to Kolding, Denmark.
A 30 January 1948 ship letter to England from M/S Thor.
27 February 2018
25 February 2018
A very nice 12 NOV 1909 cover cancelled PM1 to France.
A fourth copy of a 1908 25c with misaligned ovpt.
A 9 November 1945 registered cover to Melbourne resent to Vila.
forged postmark on ANHCo stamp.
A PM1 12 AP 1906 on an ANHCo stamp.
24 February 2018
The 208th NH Leralle cover.
Another postcard with the 22 AOUT 07 postmark forgery.
The 68th 1920 5c without CONDOMINIUM (#47).
Three 18 NOV 22 cancelled French 1911 stamps commemorative postcards
A very late 14 NOV 1903 SFdNH local cover
24 February 2018
23 February 2018
21 February 2018
19 February 2018
29 January 2018
A seldom seen Gubbay postcard (No. 26)
A grotesque forgery offered as genuine of a 1920 5c w/o Condominium
25 January 2018
24 Jan 1929 cover to England
20 Aug 1942 censored cover to Australia.
11 Aug 1913 Wilson cover.
19 Aug 1921 cover to England.
19 January 2018
19 November 1920 cover to Paris
6 September 1937 to U.S.A. and taxed
7 December 1936 to U.S.A. and taxed
A 23 June 1929 (?) cover to France.
A 10 December 1953 Air Mail to Cristobal, Canal Zone.
18 January 2018
17 January 2018
3 January 2018
31 December 2017
22 December 2017
19 December 2017
29 Nov 1949 last day of the PM9b postmark
9 July 1945 NZ military mail
19 Juli 1921 to Sydney part cover
7 April 1945 censored to the U.S.
16 October 1941 censored to the U.S.
4 more Stolow covers.
uncensored "France Libre" to the U.S.
An article about Benedict Prieth. (at left)
10 August 1964 NOUMEA mark
19 July 1940 Nauru & TRIENZA on NH 20 cg.
29 July 1908 PPC to Noumea.
23 March 1911 English full set cover to Noumea
20 Nov 1909 Fr. 10c to France
24 August 1913 cover to France
18 December 2017
7 June 1924 Heslop cover
6 June 1924 to Sydney
10 Nov 1938 Thouvignon cover to France - Sydney Paquebot
21 June 1925 registered ship mail to France
23 July 1908 SFdNH card
8 July 1909 registered to Paris
16 Sept 1912 Murray cover
3 June 1924 registered to France
24 January 1925 to France
18 August 1924 to USA resurfaced after 3 decades
6 July 1936 to USA
29 March 1928 to France resurfaced after 3 decades
22 November 1908 to France
17 December 2017
4 of these 28 March 1925 block of four covers
31 May 1924 registered to Australia
22 September 1919 to the U.S.
11 April 1913 Clemens cover.
10 June 1941 Baldwin cover.
11 December 2017
The 206th NH Leralle cover: 1936-03-07
The 205th NH Leralle cover: 1932-11-25
No. 56 of 58a and fake No. 17 (at left)
7 December 2017
24 November 2017
11 November 2017
13 September 1968 - a S.S. MONTEREY (Matson Line) aerogramme to the U.S. franked as air mail letter.
28 October 2017
28 March 1967 aerogramme colonial rate to New Zealand.
Another 8 September 1951 aerogramme with dash on A of MAIL.
9 October 2017
4 August 1938 early 1938 issue Peythieux cover
9 June 1937 airmail to France
20 October 1927 to Upper-Volta (now Burkina-Faso)
8 October 2017
14 September 2017
Three stamps found with PM6b (at bottom)
20 November 1909 registered to Paris
1936-04-07 the 201st New Hebrides Leralle cover (with U.S: stamps)
1944-11-28 Marie Alexis cover to U.S.A.
21 August 2017
17 August 2017
another 9 January 1939 Wallace cover (#48).
9 Oct 1915 registered to France.
2 Jan 1922 registered to Sydney.
22 Sep 1912 registered full of stamps to Austria.
13 Apr 1912 registered Fiji postcard to England.
2 Apr 1914 full set cover to Paris.
8 Oct 1923 Meister cover to the U.S. - 27 Sept 2017 Yorkshire Cover Auctions lot 1306
12 May 1920 Nikoletich cover to the U.S. - 27 Sept 2017 Yorkshire Cover Auctions lot 1309
11 August 2017
7 August 2017
a nice 1910 10c flaw.
another 20 Nov 1909 postcard to Noumnea.
registered to Scotland 10 April 1909.
1913 cover to Australia with GK PM5A.
10 Oct 1911 Wilson cover.
26 July 2017
29 June 2017
27 June 2017
17 June 2017
13 June 2017
3 June 2017
11 May
23 April 2017
25 November 1908 cover (front) to Warrawee, Australia, NC stamps, taxed.
27 June 1903 wrapper from Epi to France.
8 April 2017
Another French 25 FHN block.
Another French 30 FHN block.
17 December 1910 postcard with maritime cancel.
27 May 1936 Desestre cover to the Netherlands.
20 September 1921 - an Ashley cover with maritime cancel for a change.
25 November 1932 Leralle cover Indochina to Vila taxed.
15 November 1932 Leralle cover Indochina to Vila taxed.
25 February 1932 Leralle cover Vila to Indochina taxed.
8 April 2017
Another French 25 FHN block.
Another French 30 FHN block.
17 December 1910 postcard with maritime cancel.
8 March
1 March
10 February 1938 Wallis letter via Vila to Sydney
10 FNH & 20 FNH 1980 Birds issue proofs
5 March 1929 registered to Graz, Austria.
5 February 1937 air mail to Paris
11 October 1911 registered to NZ
31 October 1911 registered Buess cover to Germany
22 February 1938 Sydney ship mail to San Fancisco
8 October 1952 1Fg on an air mail cover to Fance
28 February
a 11 June 1905 SFdNH locals set cancelled on piece.
a 65c De Gaulle stamp w/o golden overprint.
30 FNH & 40 FNH 1980 Birds issue proofs
27 February
26 February
25 February
09.12.50 two more "Guthrie" aerogrammes.
08.09.51 two more "Guthrie" aerogrammes.
24.10.51 30 cg to Scotland.
22.09.53 25 cg to France.
xx.xx.1955 ? aerogramme to Canada.
xx.xx.1955 ? aerogramme to England.
xx.xx.1957 ? aerogramme. - 1
xx.xx.1957 ? aerogramme. - 2
xx.xx.1962 aerogramme.
04.06.1962 aerogramme from Santo to England.
08.03.1963 aerogramme from Vila to Sydney
05.08.1963 aerogramme 25 cg rate to England.
16.08.1963 aerogramme from Tanna to the U.S.A.
15.08.1966 first day aerogramme from Santo to England from John Leaney B.D.A..
about 1966 30 cg non-colonial rate to U.S.A.
12 April 1967 aerogramme 30c rate to the U.S.A.
26 September 1967 Pacific War first day aerogrammeaerogramme.
26 July 1971 CALÉDONIEN ship letter aerogramme.
20 September 1971 POLYNÉSIEN ship letter aerogramme.
12 April 1967 aerogramme 30c rate to the U.S.A.
4 October 1976 50 years Pacific Flights aerogramme - 1.
4 October 1976 50 years Pacific Flights aerogramme - 2.
4 May 1977 aerogramme 35c rate to Germany
23 February
23 February
16 April 1923 postcard to Ouahigouya, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso).
10 February 1927 stampless postmaster cover to France.
11 February 1930 deposit slip with scarce cachet.
10 April 1910 postcard to France with two New Caledonia 5c stamps cancelled PM2.
1920 1d ovpt used in 1935 to Switzerland.
22 February
24 December 1940 SANTO Baldwin cover.
19 December 1934 Desestre cover to U.S.A.
17 Juli 1924 registered to France - many stamps.
17 November 1944 ship mail to U.S.A. PM9B postmark.
24 August 1911 Sydney cancelled cover to Ireland
17 December 1928 Sydney cancelled cover Australia
21 February
20 February
2 De La Rue proofs of postage due stamps.
7 October 1926 - a French full set "Belmonte" reg. cover cancelled Sydney.
19 February
10 October 1941 Mere Marie Alexis air mail letter to France via New York - Lisbon.
21 October 1941 Mere Marie Alexis air mail letter to France via New York - Lisbon.
26 February 1927 (?) registered to France.
13 September 1939 registered to France.
2 August 1940 to Sydney - not censored.
9 January 1950 registered to England.
30 May 1944 censored local cover Vila - Tanna.
26 January 1944 censored to Switzerland.
27 November 1905.
22 August 1907 cancel forgery.
a left top of pane row 4 15c SFdNH stamps.
8 April 1908 postcard to France.
10 June 1906 postcard.
17 March 1907 postcard.
4 June 1910 registered to Noumea
28 August 1933 registered to Paris
29 May 1913 ship mail postcard to France with NC stamp.
4 July 1909 postcard written on "Oui Oui".
18 February
9 June 1941 censored to Australia.
20 December 1943 censored to Noumea.
24 January 1945 censored to France.
24 September 1941 uncensored to Noumea
14 February 1944 uncensored to Noumea
5 October 1941 uncensored paquebot Sydney to Australia
3 March 1947 cover from Tanna via Sydney to Fiji. Sydney machine cancel.
24 September 1952 Air Mai lto France.
Nisbet letter 24 December 1840 revisited: new image.
22 March 1935 registered ship mail to Paris.
7 February 1922 regisered to Noumea.
2 June 1939 ship mail then air to Paris.
17 December 1910 ship mail to France.
10 October 1920 Ackland cover with 5c overprint w/o Condominium.
A fourth 9 November 1937 parcel tag
17 February 2017
22 August 1928 ship letter to Noumea.
18 December 1929 ship letter to France.
31 May 1915 "Avis de reception".
10 October 1947 incoming from Fiji to Tanna.
30 June 1912 letter from a Faurevilee planter to Noumea.
2 June 1927 a collector souvenir: 1921 2d ovpt on a postcard
13 April 1936 registered cover to Noumea
A 10c block of six with the flaw "defective stop"
15 February
7 FE 27 Sydney Loose ship letter
24 August 1938 Sydney Paquebot to NZ
2 October 1935 Sydney Paquebot to Australia
12 July 1935 Desestre letter to Germany
Censored 26 May 1944 to Australia
Censored 7 November 1944 to Australia
Censored 21 August 1940 to U.S.A.
Leralle cover 25 February 1932 (at bottom)
18 December 1929 ship mail to France (at bottom)
A third 9 November 1937 parcel tag
14 February
Postcard to Switzerland 27 March 14
Registered Baldwin cover 20 DE 40
6 OCT 41 taxed "Martin" cover to Santo
13 February
1945 souvenir with FRANCE LIBRE and PM11B in blue. (at bottom)
9 October 1938 to France
xx November 1907 to France
6 May 1932 to U.S.A.
A 28 August 1913 Wilson cover reg.nr. 181
A 29 August 1909 postcard to England
A PM2 forgery on a postcard 25 NOV 1909 (or 1908)
Another 15 November 1932 Leralle cover.
4 February
4 February
3 February
A postcard to France April 1906.
Nov 1921 2d cover with 1921 script CA issue San Francisco (underpaid 1d).
The fourth "World Covers Inc" cover here - 1934-11-05.
Leralle cover 7 April 1934 with INTER-ISLES cancel
Leralle cover 7 April 1934 with INTER ISLAND
Leralle cover 7 April 1934 with SANTO cancel !!!!!
Leralle cover 7 March 1936 with PM11A
Leralle cover 20 September 1935 with PM11A
Leralle cover 19 November 1934 with INTERISLAND SERVICE
2 February
25 January 2017
22 January 2017
A 27 July 1935 cover to NZ cancelled Sydney.
13 May 1911 incoming postcard from Mombasa.
xx July 1906 postcard to Buenos Aires.
1 August 1906 postcard to France.
21 January 2017
15 January 2017
13 January 2017
12 January 2017
A 14 June 1921 Meister cover
A 5 March 1935 cover to Switzerland
A 7 May 1927 cover to USA
A 27 March 1909 Huades cover to France
A 9 June 1904 postcard
10 January 2017
A 28 August stampless postmaster cover
A 28 March 1925 cover
A 12 December 1944 censored cover
An early 7 September 1972 1972 definitives cover
6 January 2017
A 16 March 1935 registered cover to Switzerland
A 7 September 1935 registered to Hong-Kong
A 28 December ILES WALLIS et FUTUNA - VILA Leralle cover
5 January 2017
A fourth "POSTE PAYÉE" cover (front) showed up: 17 January 1951
10 June 1978 15 FNH overprint aerogramme to England
2 January 2017
14 December 2016
French residency to Noumea and redirected to France (at bottom)
15 Feb 1974 cover with 1972 English and French full sets
Eleven First Day Covers 2 June 1953 (at bottom)
13 December 2016
5 December 2016
22 October 2016
1903 25c local with a split Franceville cancel (at bottom of page)
25 July 2016
8 July 1977 local letter with still the old rate
7 September 1972 local letter/A>
13 February 1973 to USA/A>
3 August 1977 early new currency letter/A>
25 March 1975 registered to England with receipt
19 February 1975 registered to Italy
15 November 1972 SS HIMALAYA paquebot to England, the English QEII stamp blackened
5 February 1965 aerogramme to Jerusalem
20 Dec 40 Pan Air via Lissabon to Marseille.
2 July 1951 MS THOR 1 shipmail.
15 December 1959 letter to Angola
21 Juli 1942 PPC to USA
20 August 1947 PPC to France
2 August 1940 MORINDA shipmail
22 July 2016
20 July 2016
1935 April 8 letter from French Residency to France
1935 May 20 PPC to U.S.A.
1937 July 6 registered letter to Germany
1937 September 9 letter to England cancelled Sydney
1937 December 30 letter to USA
1912 August 10 newly written
1911 May xxx to Marselle rewritten.
1911 March 11 to Tannwald Bohemia rewritten.
1910 March 28 to Germany
1909 November 12 to Dunedin NZ rewritten
20 July 2016
1937 December 14 incoming from France
1940 July 18 incoming PanAir from New Caledonia via Sydney
1932 Sept 21 to France via Indochina
1934 June 11 to 2 Sept 21 to France via Indochina
11 July 2016
The reverse of this cover: A 5 June 1909 registered to France - Port Sandwich cancel
30 October 1908 mixed usage of NH &: NC stamps
16 June 2016
23 May 2016
Write-up of the late Bill Holland's MOTAU stamps. (at left)
21 August 1931 correctly franked 1F50c registered to France
9 September 1934 registered to France
12 June 1915 to California
12 June 1909 Postmaster Roy postcard to Copenhagen
24 September 1937 incoming mail to the Spanish court president
12 March 1918 incoming soldiers mail
22 May 2016
A nice Fred. L. Jones Aerogramme from Peu, Vanikoro, BSI to Sydney.
A 9 June 1913 Florence Coombe postcard from Motu Island to the U.S.A.
20 May 2016
The 184th Leralle cover - 25 February 1935.
A fine new scan of the famous (ex- Bill Holland) FRANCEVILLE on SFNH cover (at bottom left).
A 27 July 1935 Sydney cancelled letter to New Zealand.
A 8 July 1909 registered to France.
18 May 2016
16 May 2016
Sept 1941 Air Mail Vila-Noumea and clipper to San Fancisco.
20 Nov 1910 ship mail cover.
22 Feb 1911 Sydney cancel on a letter to Ireland.
3 Aug 1937 Sydney paquebot cancel on a letter to England.
27 Jan 1939 Sydney paquebot cancel on a letter to England.
11 Oct 1911 and 31 Oct 1911 covers to New Zealand & Germany.
22 Sept 1921 Ackland cover.
16 Sept 1912 Naumann letter to Germany.
11 Sept 1921 Hambly cover.
41 Sept 1924 ovpt. cover to Australia.
A rare 25 Aug 1901 PPC to Australia.
A 22 Sept 44 cover Santo to Vila
15 May 2016
13 May 2016
5 April 1909 to Auxerre registered cover.
12 January 1909 to London old b/w image from the Stamp Exchange auction replaced by color image.
28 August 1913.
26 April 2016
7 April 2016
3 April 2016
20 March 2016
20 March 2016
3 January 2016
12 February 1926 Charles Deligny letter to France
A photo and a newspaper article on the CNFH desaster, in which Charles Deligny died.
1 January 2016
30 December 2015
The (7 March 1936) 180th New Hebrides Leralle cover
20 OCT 1909 postcard to France
a RF watermark block of four with exceptionally high overprint (near bottom)
a RF watermark single with a very low overprint
5c split overprint
30 DEC 1897 ANHCo Hambly cover (last one at bottom)
12 October 1967 aerogramme
26 December 2015
12 December 2015
1 June 1909 PPC to China.
30 November 1936 cover cancelled Noumea.
A third SCIPIO crash cover surfaced!
17 March 1930 cover to Romania.
25 November 2015
A 28. January 1977 with 9 local overprints.
A 19 November 1977 AR cover with local overprint.
A 16 July 1948 Swedish international replay card with stamp information.
22 November 2015
17 November 2015
13 November 2015
5 August 2015
7 June 2015
18 May 2015
23 March 2015
13 March 2015
22 February 2015
4 February 2015
A 1947 air letter to France
Four PAR AVION singles
The story of the 1 March 1910 photo-postcard
A new Bergeret Nancy postcard about 1904
Another 28 Aug 1913 Wilson cover
2 February 2015
1 February 2015
Photo-postcard 15 April 1925
2 Photo-postcards 19 February 1925
Photo-postcard 21 January 1926 & 3 nice Vila photos
19 April 1930 postcard to France
PO in construction: photo 1974
Photo: PO in the 1960s
2 new Maroney postcards
Tiby Hagen photo
Tiby Hagen photo
A stamp design by Brett Hilder 1963
Program for the 50th Condominium anniversary festivities
A collection of papers for the 1977 issue by the postmaster
A collection of papers for the 1975 issue & letter to the postmaster
A picture of Thams Wright in 1914
NSW used NH cancelled NC
MAKAMBO cancel, Packet Boat cancel, dumb cancel
31 January 2015
Postcard 14 February 1909 to Nouméa
cover to Australia 11 June 1913
a 26 November 1906 photo postcard to Nouméa
A picture of Jules Giraud, designer of the 1911 stamps
Postcard New Hebrides stamp cancelled in Noumea to France
Some photos at the left side
A photo at the left side
Photo at the left side
Photo at the left side
30 January 2015
Some "Photo Dunn" postcards (at the botto of the page)
A 7 January 1931 mini cover
A 4 August 1977 PAQUEBOT PM17 on an S.S. ARCADIA cover
A 16 April 1926 postcard to Brussels
A 21 June 1912 postcard to Berlin
24 April 1925 letter to Sydney
3 September 1921 letter to Melbourne
25 June 1932: ship mail PC to Nouméa
25 January 2015

7 November 2014
Another 1932 Leralle cover here:
20 October 2014
A nice 1941 Air Mail cover to France here:
26 September 2014
The 19th 1921 inverted 1d overprint surfaced here:
The 35th 1924 inverted 5d overprint surfaced here:
22 September 2014
The seventh Dec 1908 Malmberg Card surfaced here:
1 July 2014
4 new advertising cards, one very scarce, here:
4 June 2014
4 H.M.S. Sealark postcards of Ambrym here:
14 April 2014
1903-05-11 A nice NSW 2frc12;d cover to USA at Prestige Philytely here:
26 March 2014
1931-08-20 A very early Air Mail letter to France starting as ship letter here:
1953-12-01 A scarce commercially used QE II letter to Australia here:
1945-05-29 Censored to Australia here:
9 March 2014
1941-10-22 A censored registered air mail cover to New York here:
1942-03-04 A censored cover to Sydney here:
5 March 2014
1948-05-07 Another "Brigantine Yankee" cover now 4th voyage here:
27 February 2014
1940-04-24 Censored to Paris here:
26 February 2014
1924-06-02 Postmaster letter to Paris here:
1921-04-11 20c letter to France here:
1923-06-16 20c letter to France here:
1915-04-23 maritime 35c registered to France here:
1912-01-10 1s registered to France here:
1910-04-18 PPC to France here:
1911-09-22 1d letter to France here:
1913-11-08 20c letter to Manila here:
1909-03-27 Postmaster Roy postcard to Noumea here:
1909-01-06 registered PPC to Noumea here:
1913-04-11 5c postcard to France here:
1909-12-13 cover to Noumea here:
1908 maybe: a HEBRIDES cancel on a SFdNH and two NC stamps here:
1924-07-04 letter to USA here:
1936-02-11 postcard to France from Tahiti with a New Hebrides stamp here:
1937-06-19 Ship cover to France here:
1930-11-24 stampless to France here:
1936-08-22 Maritime cover to New Zealnd here:
1932-03-03 registered to France here:
25 February 2014
1936 two new Leralle covers here:
1905-03-19 Sandwich PPC to Noumea here:
1919-09-04 10c cover to Noumea here:
23 February 2014
1934-12-02 A registered Desestre cover to Austria here:
1935-04-06 A registered Desestre cover to Austria here:
1935-12-09 A registered Desestre cover to Austria here:
1936-10-02 A registered Desestre cover to Austria here:
1905-03-19 SFdNH locals set on unaddressed cover here:
1941-10-28 six more of these ridiculous 5c/10c/15c STOLOW covers here:
1941-09-24 a full set Stolow cover here:
8 February 2014
1931-12-31 A very late use of PM6 on a French Residency letter here:
5 February 2014
A 3 July 1910 Service Maritime ship postcard here:
25 January 2014
A 1934-02-10 ship cover with a new postmark here:
29 December 2013
A complete page for my favourite postcard: 1909 NSW stamp PM1 cancelled from Hog Harbour here:
15 December 2013
Incoming letter from the GDR here:
9 December 2013
A 26 September 1903 SFdNH cover here:
17 November 2013
A better image now for the old b/w one: A 11 November 1910 postmaster registered cover to Paris (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
Another 16 September 1912 Murray cover (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
1924, June 5 late cover with a 1911 French 50c (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
1 September 1924: the 16th Nikoletich cover! (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
4 September 1924 2 x 1d and a 3d ovpt to Sydney. (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
Regisered 2 January 1922 cover with some 1920/1921 overprints to Sydney. (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
A 30 April 1925 letter to Malta (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
1910 "BUESS" cover with 1910 1F to Germany (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
5 August 1927: 3 x 1925 50c on a cover to the US (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
30c on a 13 July 1944 censored cover to USA (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
1 Oct 1943: Sensational 17 Fg (on a heavy weight ??) cover to the U.S. (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
23 March 1929: 1F 50c on a cover to the U.S. registered & cancelled in Sydney (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
6 July 1936 very philatelic to Switzerland (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
24 October 1921 registered to Melbourne with 16 x 5c (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
8 March 1962 taxed to Auki Malaita (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
The 30th Bayer/Stolow or similar 28 Oct 1941 cover (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
3 June 1908 25c SFdNH and NC stamps on a postcard (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
1966, 6 Dec registered air to Melbourne (Albert coll.) here:
1966, 24 Dec registered air to Melbourne (Albert coll.) here:
1950, 18 June Appel Historique cover to Sydney (Albert coll.) here:
1954, 13 Dec a scarce NOT 2 June 53 QEII letter (Albert coll.) here:
1970, 27 April "bungee" 25 cg to Australia (Albert coll.) here:
1968, 30 January, WWII 25cg to Australia (Albert coll.) here:
1968, 11 October Tattersall 65cg letter (Albert coll.) here:
1966, 15 August registered to U.S.A. (Albert coll.) here:
1967, 4 July a Ross Duberal cover to Fiji (Albert coll.) here:
1967, 9 March another Tattersall cover (Albert coll.) here:
1968, 28 January 35 cg mission cover to New Zealand (Albert coll.) here:
1968, 25 November another one from the Paule Weber correspondence (Albert coll.) here:
1969, 2 October air mail from Tanna to Wahroonga (Albert coll.) here:
1963, 10 September: a scarce French hunger stamp on a cover Santo-Sydney (Albert coll.) here:
1955, 28 April Port-Vila --> Sydney (Albert coll.) here:
1954, 21 December to France (Albert coll.) here:
1968, 1 August Bougainville 30cg air mail cover to Siota, Solomon Islands. (Albert coll.) here:
1957, 20 July, registered to France (Albert coll.) here:
30. April 1953 normal philatelic use first day to Sydney (Albert coll.) here:
26. May 1965 commem letter to Sydney (Albert coll.) here:
1969, 25 March 1F95cg air mail to France (Albert coll.) here:
1970, 2 February 40cg air to Australia (Albert coll.) here:
16 November 2013
A 25 April 1940 censored cover to France ("SeSi" coll) here:
1d and 5d ovpt on a 1925 6 February L. Meister cover to Delia, Kansas (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
9 April 1912 Klinkmüller cover (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
10 June 1910 2d cover to Ipswich, England (Victoria Stamp Co. auction) here:
4 November 2013
A 1941 10cg France Libre with an ovpt. shifted to top here:
4 November 2013
22 July 1944 two censored covers to Australia here:
29 July 1947 an Army cancelled and censored & New Hebrides franked letter to Australia here:
1944-45 another Army cancelled and censored & New Hebrides franked letter from Pastor Barrett to Australia here:
6 April 1945 censored cover to Australia here:
12 June 1949 nice incoming mail to Mgr. Halberg here:
1 December 1966 UNESCO FDC Santo here:
2 June 1953 a scarce Santo QEII cover on 2 June 1953 here:
24 July 1972 two Santo definitives FDCs here:
9 August 1974 high value SJ 200 machine cancel here:
19 November 1979 SJ 200 machine cancel to Noumea here:
2 May 1975 SJ 200 machine cancel on a registered letter to U.S.A. here:
18 July 1947 air mail (overpaid?) to Australia here:
21 September 1957 / Dec. 1957 reply card with the scarce PM 19B postmark here:
1921 split 05C overprint on 40c (RF wmk.) in here:
A fourth 1911 SPECIMEN proof here:
A 1972 definitives 10c.or cacao with wrong perforation here:
1920: 5c overprint with plating variety "CONDC|NINIUM" here:
11 June 1975: SJ 201 Burns Philp machine cancel on a window cover here:
3 November 2013
6 May 1972 cover with a Forari manganese reprint here:
6 May 1974 3,05 Fg heavy letter to England here:
28 May 1975 local cover fro mSanto to Vila here:
28 May 1963 letter from Forari to Papeete here:
19 July 1940 ship letter NH franked from Nauru to Sydney - TRIENZA cachet here:
9 January 1939: another Wallace cover here:
9 January 1939: another Wallace cover again here:
16 July 1934 75c on a letter to N.S.W. here:
17 October 1941 a monster cover in here:
30 May 1936 Another Trümpy cover here:
a 9 Nov 1920 unaddressed Ackland cover with a 5c w/o Condominium here:
15 November 1932 another Leralle cover here:
17 November 1944 double censored here:
6 July 1930 cover to France here:
14 April 1966 air mail cover fron Vao Mallicolo to France here:
13 December 1940 Air mail from Port-Vila to Saigon Indochina. here:
2 November 2013
28 March 1925 block of 4 50c cover (number on block) cut apart! here:
18 June 1950 APPEL HISTORIQUE cover here:
26 April 1950 first flight Port-Vila - Paris cover here:
24 August 1948 registered air mail to N.S.W. (overpaid) here:
30 January 1944 Sydney cancelled censored letter to Mr. Dorn, LA here:
30 July 1924 10d reg letter to Melbourne here:
9 June 1943 ship letter to Australia here:
31 October 2013
12 November 1840 Nisbet letter a better image here:
29 September 1906 10c NC stamp to France here:
9 July 1909 mixed postage 2d and 10c letter to the U.S.A. here:
11 August 1913 registered to Sydney here:
30 October 2013
20 January 1962 from Port Vila to Aoba redirected Victoria redirectad West Australia here:
19 June 1970 letter to India here:
11 October 1968 registered Tattersall letter to Melbourne here:
11 November 1978 "B.B.s.a" cover to France here:
25 September 1931 30c postcard to France here:
9 May 1980 local Radio Vanuatu letter here:
xx April 1977 letter to France here:
25 October 2013
Don't forget to hit "F5" after loading the page!
12 July 1965 a correctly paid air mail letter to France here:
18 April 1968 Pacific War set on a registered letter to the U.S.A. here:
20 August 1971 a nice registere air mail letter to France here:
25 November 1954 registered OCS air mail cover to France here:
15 October 1970 French overprint provisional FDC to Italy here:
24 October 2013
(4 December 1954) A uncancelled TALLEC publicity card with a Paris railway station cachet here:
Another 22 AOUT 07 forgery here:
20 October 2013
8 June 1933 picture postcard to France --> to the page
2 February 1957 incoming mail --> to the page
17 August 1964 incoming mail --> to the page
1929 - 22 November to France --> to the page
1933 - 4 April to France --> to the page
1939 - 15 April Air Mail to France --> to the page
1977 - 30 May regisered Air Mail "AR" to France --> to the page
1931 - 8 October regisered to France --> to the page
1960 - 5 February taxed Air Mail to NZ --> to the page
1980 - 5 June taxed to France --> to the page
1949 - 10 January incoming from France --> to the page
1944 - 6 January inconnu - retour double censored cover from the U.S.A. --> to the page
1920 a 5c overprint with shift --> to the page
1924 a 50c overprint with faded print --> to the page
19 October 2013
14 August 1980 NH stamps still used with erased Tongoa cancel here:
Another 22 AOUT 07 forgery here:
17 October 2013
Seldom seen: New Hebrides picture postcards 25 and 31 July 1944 used as U.S. censored military mail here:
5 February 1913: scarce locally used picture postcard , GK Type PM2 with inverted year slug here:
30 June 1934: a BUCEPHALE cover to Mouméa here:
30 July 1934: a Desestre letter to Paris here:
9 July 1934: a registered cover Vila - Nice here:
28 December 1935 Leralle cover. Now there are 167 Leralles on the site. here:
10 June 1939 PIERRE LOTI ship letter here:
August / September 1923 Leralle EL KANTARA cover. Now there are 168 Leralles on the site. here:
30 May 1945: A full set 1938 French issue cover plus TAXE stamps here:
A parcel tag 9 November 1937 here:
xx August 1931 cover to France here:
16 July 1947 TRAPAS cover here:
2 December 1933 1F50c cover to the U.S. here:
5 or 6 July 1931 registered to London here:
5 August 1929 ship letter to France here:
7 July 1937 Leralle cover. Now there are 169 Leralles on the site. here:
16 September 1912 registered Murray cover to England here:
16 October 2013
A 30 June 1909 cover with a full French 1908 set here:
A 15 June 1909 HOUADES cover to France here:
13 November 1909 commercial Vernon cover to Sydney here:
3 August 1910 Kiderlen cover here:
3 June 1910 ½d postcard to Nouméa here:
5 August 1910 1d postcard to Nouméa here:
21 January 1911 British set letter to Fance here:
4 April 1912 to Germany here:
10 December 1913 to Manila here:
25 July 1918 registered to Nouméa with totally awkward cancel dates here:
21 June 20 10c overprint on a cover to J. Bouge, Paris here:
29 May 22 a heavy weight cover to Noumea late 1911/12 stamps use here:
Very interesting 10 November 1924 ship cover here:
A 16 Cecember 1924 Leralle cover cancelled in Tahiti here:
23 January 1928 cover to the U.S.A: cancelled in Sydney here:
28 June 1938 ship letter to Paris here:
14 November 1929 postcard to France cancelled in Tahiti here:
15 October 2013
The only known censored picture postcard until now: 19 June 1940 here:
A 12 August 1936 Desestre cover to Austria here:
3 October 1929 to New Zealand: the collector who tears covers apart again here:
27 November 1905 possibly: GK Type PM3 (Pt. Sandwich) on a 15c SFdNH stamp here:
10 June 1906 postcard to Nouméa here:
24 October 1908 10c rate postcard to France- interesting text! - here:
2 August 1909 10c letter rate to France. here:
14 October 2013
A 28 March 1910 cover to U.S.A. here:
A 25 February 1930 cover to Nouméa here:
A 28 October 1933 cover with a French stamp cancelled Port Vila here:
12 October 2013
A full set Tourville cover here:
7 October 2013
July 1893 a postcard from Yokohama to "Fila" here:
6 October 2013
1 August 1944 censored ship mail "Paul A. Dorn" cover to Los Angeles here:
1 August 1908 SFdNH card here:
5 October 2013
17 March 1930 Résidence de France cover to France here:
25 July 1929 overpaid postcard to France here:
6 July 1930 a correctly paid postcard to France here:
11 June 1905 a New Caledonia Agency picture postcard here:
22 August 1907 cancel forgery on SFNH private stamp here:
8 April 1927 cover to New Zealand here:
27 June 1931 to California here:
11 July 1949 stampless to London here:
14 April 1947 "Dorn" cover to California here:
27 November 1947 D.C.O. cover to California here:
14 October 1920 letter to Melbourne full of 1920 overprints here:
15 November 1932 another Leralle cover again here:
22 August 1921 to South Africa here:
1 December 1954 Postage Due cover from Sydney to Vila here:
12 December 1913 nice ship mail postcard GK Type PM5A month slug inverted here:
4 October 2013
30 November 1971 - a local Santo cover here:
A couple of 1975- 1977 covers
28 September 1966 cover from Santo to Sydney here:
24 October 1965 postcard from Santo to France here:
15 May 1968 cover from Vila to the U.S. here:
17 April 1970 cover from Vila to France here:
15 October 1970 (FDC) letter from Vila to U.S.A. here:
18 April 1972 local Santo to Santo cover here:
14 June 1972 OHMS coverto England here:
13 February 1967 cover to Aruba, Neth. Antilles here:
1977 incoming from Fiji to Longana here:
1961 incoming from Fiji to Vila here:
1967 OHMS incoming from Honiara BSI to Santo here:
7 September 1971 cover from Vila to Canada here:
Some stampless covers here:
11 April 1975 GK Type PP2 machine cancel here:
More Bonnet forgeries here:
24 December 1940 Baldwin cover in here:
3 October 2013
A 14 April 1913 postcard here:
A 18 July 1980 cover to France here:
A 1 February 1980 cover to France here:
1977 Vila overprints on a 21 October 1977 cover here:
A nice Aloï Pilioko decorated cover to France 16 March 1974 here:
9 June 1953 definitives cover to France here:
7 August 1965 with mixed 1957/63 franking to U.S.A. here:
18 September 1957 to France here:
26 November 1959 to Madagascar here:
Forari 21 June 1968 cover to France here:
26 March 1973 cover to New Zealand here:
2 November 1976 Santo to France here:
A Hubert Goron (former member of this site †) local 12 June 1976 from Santo to Port-Vila. here:
10 November 1976 constitutional change letter to France here:
30 March 1976 scout stamp letter here:
25 January 1977 local letter Santo Port-Vila here:
24 March 1977 postcard Vila - France here:
A couple of new covers with the 1977 defs in here:
2 October 2013
A homemade 1965 ITU FDC here:
A 18 Nov 1949 air letter to France here:
A 28 Aug 1913 Wilson cover here:
A dd May 1911 Service Maritime cover to France here:
A 6 September 1934 cover to U.S.A. here:
A 16 July 1934 cover to Australia here:
A 11 November 1909 cover to Noumea here:
A 1924-10-24 postcard to U.S.A. here:
A 16 Sept 1919 cover to London here:
A 12 Mai 1914 postcard to Sweden here:
A 10 August 1912 cover to Australia here:
A 2 February 1929 registered to France here:
A 8 November 1917 OHMS stampless cover from the BRC here:
1 October 2013
Another nonsense cover 1927-03-22 here:
A "10 Feb 1934" ship cover here:
Two "1 Feb 1938" covers here:
A "1 Sep 1948" NOUMEA cover here:>
5 September 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
3 September 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
2 September 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
31 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
29 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
27 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
26 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
25 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
21 August 2013
Unusual Official aerogramme: here:
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
20 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
19 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
18 August 2013
More postcards in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
15 August 2013
I started a picture postcard page in "Links & more" here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
23 July 2013
Finished the "Roast Missionary" page here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
22 July 2013
Reconstructed the "Roast Missionary" page here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
2 July 2013
Another ex-postamster Roy "Chiffre Taxe" construction here:
A Roger Desestre registered letter to Germany 27 May 1936 here:
Another Trümpy cover 30 May 1936 here:
Baldwin "ship" cover 18 April 1942 here:
A 1941 Stolow full set cover 16 April 1942 here:
A rare 27 Dec 1924 registered postcard here:
23 November 1936 taxed to Germany here:
25 July 1947 underpaid air mail letter to New Zealand here:
16 July 1947 2 incoming TRAPAS mails here:
18 June 1950 anothe 10e of the Appel Historique here:
1 April 1909 rehgistered to Paris here:
Another Tourville cover here:
24 July 1911 registered to England here:
23 May 1929 registered to London here:
12 Oct 1915 (?) cover to London here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
1 July 2013
A nice 1910 incoming letter at top of the page here:
Two 1950 Appel historique covers 18 June 1950 here:
Registered 6 February 1924, 25 October 1924 and 27 March 1925 covers here:
Registered 6 Feb 1926 Wilson cover here:
Registered 26 Feb 1926 cover here:
Registered 28 Nov 1927 cover here:
A nice 7 Jan 1941 registered and censored cover to Sydney with ship cancel & reg cachet here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
29 June 2013
A 1929 Tourville single and a cover here:
Two 1936/37 Air Mail covers 17 Dec 1936 and 28 May 1937 here:
Two TRAPAS covers 18 July 1947 here:
A 24 September 1949 first flight Noumea-Paris cover here:
A 26 April 1950 first flight Vila-Paris cover here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
28 June 2013
Some aerogrammes here:
Another Toureville cover in here:
Another Dover cover in here:
A 8 Dec1903 postcard, please look here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
27 June 2013
NH used in August 1980here: 14/29 August 1980
A letter from postmaster O.E.Richards here: at left
And more in the 1970s pages.
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
17 June 2013
Incoming 1958 from Mata Utu here: 24 Oct 1958
A scarce variant of a Jan 1940 cancel here: 31 Jan 1940
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
7 June 2013
The fabulous March 1909 "Dampney" Card here:
A fine Nov 1906 postcard here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
22 May 2013
A New Hebrides 1908 First Day cover here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
14 February 2013
A second "POSTE PAYEE" cover in here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
6 February 2013
The 18th inverted 1d overprint in here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
28 January 2013
3 Dec 1966 New Hebrides doctor card from the U.S.A. here:
A 22 Nov 1907 postcard to the U.S.A: here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
22 January 2013
earliest SERVICE MARITIME (30 dots) 9 July 10 here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
17 January 2013
1927 Nonsense covers here:
Another (#55376) French 25 FHN error here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
16 January 2013
An aerogramme 19 August 1971 here:
A 1970 reply card here:
A 1954 UPU set cover here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
13 January 2013
2 postcards in here:
A complete 1977 5 FNH Vila overprints here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
23 December 2012
Added a 9 NOV 1910 cover plus letter Vila - Tanna here:
Added some FHN errors here:
NH ship runs of MATUNGA and MORESBY added in here:
Maybe you will have to hit the F5 key for a page refresh.
22 December 2012
20 December 2012
Added info on 1905 Mail Contract in here at left:
19 December 2012
A new 1912 Service Maritime cover here:
27 March 1962 postcard here:
15 June 1971 postcard here:
7 December 1973 rare advertising postcard here:
5 August 1974 postcard here:
26 December 1950: never seen before - letter to O'Reilly here:
14 December 2012
2 new 16 April 1905 and a 11 June 1905 postcards here:
27 Nov 1905 postcard here:
1 Sep 1906 postcard here:
6 December 2012
A fine combination of Halbert covers 1949/50 here:
New images for 8 May 1910 in here:
New images for 10 MArch 1909 in here:
2 December 2012
A nice normal mail QEII cover here:
26 November 2012
Some 1960s Tanna FDCs added
24 October 2012
A 1921 CA Specimen set from the Madagascar archives with the "Broken M": here: pos. 7.3
1 October 2012
A new ad at left in 1908 here:
A new ad at left in 1909 here:
incoming letter to Chermette here:
24 September 2012
A new 1924 inverted 5d overprint for our image collection: here: pos. 7.3
23 September 2012
Letter from an addressee to the London Philatelist in 1909 Letter here:
17 September 2012
A nice incoming cover to A. Chermette here: CHERMETTE PHOTOS.
24 August 2012
16 July 1929 another "PAR AVION" cover here: PAR AVION.
17 August 2012
The 23 Jan 1911 "Avis de reception" is now big and nice here: stampless mail.
8 August 2012
two 1910 6d proofs here: 1910 stamps.
a 1908 printer's waste here: 1908 stamps.
19 July 2012
Shipmail here: Dec 1958 TULAGI and shipmail here: 2 mm 1969 TULAGI and shipmail 5 June 1959 CALEDONIEN and 19 June 1979 MOANA and 17 Feb 1953 MALAITA
24 July 2012
19 July 2012
15 July 2012
5 July 2012
1 July 2012
letter 10 June 1927 in PH 1925 issue, 14 April 1925 and 28 Nov 1924 in PH 1911/12, 21 January 1927 in PH 1925, 31 July 1940 in WW II Cencored - civil censored
25 June 2012
added an interesting postcard 11 MAY 1911 in 1910 postal history 1911
2 Oct 1908 in Pre Condo --> New Cal --> 1908
13 June 2012
some minor corrections
5 June 2012
another TOURVILLE cover in 1925 - 1929 "Air Mail"
4 June 2012
some more info re Bonnet imitation in Pre-Condo -> SFNH 1903 - Bonnet / IRCs in philatelic sundries
3 June 2012
new covers: 1911-12 used in 1920: 15 Oct 1920 and a nice black Bonnet imitation in Pre-Condo -> SFNH 1903 - Bonnet
31 May 2012
some minor corrections
30 May 2012
some minor corrections - Meister article found (see Correpondences Meister covers)
28 May 2012
some debugging, 10 Dec 1951 in 1938 PH after WW II.

12 May 12 "search" function added in "Home"
5 May 12 finished 1968/69
4 May 12 finished 1974/75
3 May 12 now the 1977 provisionals.
27 April 12 now the 1970s.
26 April 12 going on with 1966-67.
25 April 12 going on with 1963.
17 April 12 going on with 1956.
16 April 12 going on with 1957.
15 April 12 going on with 1957.
11 April 12 going on with 1953 postal history.
10 April 12 going on with 1949.
8 April 12 finished civil censored mail - ufff! 104 covers! Finished all military.
7 April 12 redoing censored mail
6 April 12 redoing censored mail
5 April 12 stamps 1938
4 April 12 finished PH 1911, stamps 1938
2 April 12 redoing PH 1911 used in 1912
1 April 12 redoing PH 1911 used after 1920
1 April 12 redoing PH 1911 used after 1920: a bit slower than usual as I'm on vacation.
27 March 12 redoing the Jassy letter in "Pre 1895 era"
23 March 12 redoing the Milton cover in "Pre 1895 era"
22 March 12 placed a nice document from "SeSi" into 1908 - PH 1908 at left
21 March 12 a nice Air Mail cover in post WWII air: 4 August 1947
20 March 12 redoing forgeries
18 March 12 redoing forgeries
16 March 12 redoing forgeries
14 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium New Caledonia Agency
13 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium New Caledonia Agency
12 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium Bonnet, New Caledonia Agency
11 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium Bonnet
10 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium SFNH
9 March 12 redoing Pre Condominium ANHCo
8 March 12 redoing Correspondences - Leralle covers,
7 March 12 redoing Correspondences, a card in "Pre-Condominium" "Early Military", some 1970's covers
6 March 12 redoing Correspondences
5 March 12 redoing Correspondences
1 March 12 redoing 1938 Postal History, new cover in WWII cens. US Army
28 Feb 12 redoing 1938 Postal History up to WWII
25 Feb 12 PH 1938: 2 SP 38; - PH11/12 after 1921: 19 SP 40
24 Feb 12 Correspondences --> Hambly --> 1911-07-11, PH57: 1957-12-18, PH56: 18 July 1958, PH72-73: 1972-12-07
21 Feb 12 redoing Correspondences
19 Feb 12 9 AP 73, 7 DE 73, 28 DE 25 - redoing 1972/73 issues
17 Feb 12 28 DE 25 and 2 x 20 JUL 26 in "1925" redoing 1925 issues
16 Feb 12 22 July 1914 in Ship Mail, redoing 1925 issues
15 Feb 12 redoing 1925 issues
14 Feb 12 redoing 1925 issues
13 Feb 12 redoing shipmail
12 Feb 12 redoing shipmail, Sydney Cancels
11 Feb 12 redoing shipmail, Tourville page
10 Feb 12 redoing shipmail
9 Feb 12 redoing early shipmail
8 Feb 12 redoing prewar airmail
7 Feb 12 redoing postwar & prewar airmail
6 Feb 12 redoing postwar airmail
5 Feb 12 redoing 1911/12
4 Feb 12 Hog Harbour Cover in 1910 PH
3 Feb 12 Some layout work in 1910-11-12
2 Feb 12 Some layout work in 1910
30 Jan 12 More ship runs added in "General"
29 Jan 12 A couple of ship runs added
27 Jan 12: Modifications for old Firefox 3 / new ships in the list
26 Jan 12: Modifications for old Firefox 3
22 Jan 12: 1910 used in 1910, some ship runs added
21 Jan 12: working on a couple of pages & their layout
9 - 11 Jan 12: working on Pre Condominium - NSW Agency
8 Jan 12: working on 1908/09
7 Jan 12: working on 1941
6 Jan 12: debugging in M$IE
5 Jan 12: debugging in M$IE
4 Jan 12: working on 1925 Tourville
3 Jan 12: working on 1925
2 Jan 12: working on 1920-24 & 1925
31 Dec 11: made PH 1920 and 1920 Millésimes
30 Dec 11: Layout work, debugging in the pages
Nov-Dec 11: Layout changes and debugging and a first version on the net
13 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
12 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
11 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
10 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
9 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
8 Nov 11: Some layout changes and debugging
7 Nov 11: Some SFdNH stamps in [3.2.1]
5 Nov 11: [A.1.5.2-09MR02]
2 Nov 11: [K1.-23JY26] [E.2-39JE27] [E.2.-36FE26a] [D.8.-20MY12d] [D.8.-20MY12e]
[C.4.3-39JY10a] [C.4.4-54JY16] [I.3.2-68JY22] [C.4.4-52NO04] [H.5.5-69MY02]
[H.5.5-69MY02] [J.2.3.-78FE24]
23 October 11: finished [J.2.2]
22 October 11: I began to redo [J.2.2]
21 October 11: [J.3.2.-80JY28] [J.2.3.-77DE29] [J.3.2.-80JY17] [J.3.2.-78AP15]
[J.3.2.-79JA30] [J.3.2.-79MY11] [J.1.3.-77DE10] [J.5.2.-79AP30] [J.5.2-79DE05] [J.5.2-79DE17]
13 October 11: [M.7] nice 1958 pictures by A. Chermette
11 October 11: [L.2.-55JN19] [L.2.-55OC23] [L.2.-64AP04] [L.2.-51FE07] [L.2.-70OC15]
[L.2.-75MY26] [L.2.-74AP09] [L.2.-78FE15] [L.2.-78NO15] [L.2.-64about] [L.2.-67AU12]
6 October 11: [L.2.-69DE21] [L.2.-68OC15]
26 September 11: [A.3.4.2-12AP04a] [A.3.4.2-12AP04b] [5.4-19JA57]
14 August 11: ANHCo fake cancel in [5.3]
20 July 11: some more used ANHCo in [3.1.2]
18 July 11: [E.2.-31DE21b]
11 July 11: [C.5.3-42FE23]
10 July 11: [A.1.5.2-09JA31] [E.1-11MYxx]] [A.2.3.-11FE10]; [4.3.6-08NO21]
[4.3.6-08NO22b] [A.1.5.2-09MR12] [F.1.-40OC12] [A.2.3.-11JY24]
[A.2.3-12JA0504] [F.1.-41JA21]